München 2006 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 9: Elektromagnetische und Hadronische Sonden
HK 9.2: Vortrag
Montag, 20. März 2006, 17:00–17:15, G
Status of Two-Pion Production studies at CELSIUS-WASA∗ — •F. Kren, M. Bashkanov, H. Clement, E. Doroshkevich, O. Khakimova, T. Skorodko, and G. J. Wagner — Physikalisches Institut, Universität Tübingen
Data for the ππ production in pp and pd collisions have been taken at CELSIUS using the WASA 4π detector with pellet target in the energy range from near-threshold up to 1.45 GeV. In most cases all ejectives have been detected and identified providing up to 6 kinematical overconstraints.
Wheras the near-threshold data for ppπ+π− and ppπ0π0 channels are consistent with chiral dynamics and Roper excitation and its decay, the data for Tp > 1 GeV are dominated by the special (ΔΔ)0+ configuration - contrary to predictions. In addition the Mπ0π0 spectrum exhibits a suprising enhancement at small masses reminiscent of Bose-Einstein correlations. Preliminary results from the nnπ+π+ channel, however, are not in favor of such a scenario. First results on the ππ isovector channels pp→dπ+π0 and pp→pnπ+π0 will be presented.
The first channels analysed in case of pd collisions are 3Heπ+π− and 3Heπ0π0. We again find a strong enhancement at low ππ masses, in the π0π0 channel much more pronounced than in the π+π− channel. In the final run before the shutdown of CELSIUS data for dd→4Heππ have been taken.
∗ supported by BMBF (06 TU 201), DFG (Europ. Graduiertenkolleg), Landesforschungsschwerpunkt (Quasiteilchen) and EU FP6 transnational access program