München 2006 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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HK: Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 9: Elektromagnetische und Hadronische Sonden
HK 9.3: Vortrag
Montag, 20. März 2006, 17:15–17:30, G
π0 and π− production in NN collisions at TN ≥ 0.8 GeV — •O. Khakimova, T. Skorodko, H. Clement, M. Bashkanov, F. Kren, and G. J. Wagner — Physikalisches Institut, Universität Tübingen
As a side aspect of our ππ production program we have measured and analyzed the single pion production reactions pp → pp π0 in the energy range 0.8 GeV ≤ Tp ≤ 1.1 GeV and pd → pspectator pp π− at Tp = 895MeV. In this energy range the world data base on differential cross sections is still quite sparse. The data have been taken at CELSIUS using the WASA 4 π detector with pellet target system. The particle identification in the Forward Detector is done using the energy loss of the charged particles in the different layers of the Forward Trigger and Forward Range Hodoscopes. The π0 identification in the Central Detector is done by reconstruction the Mγ γ spectrum. The π− identification in the Central Detector has been made by magnetic field tracking and E-p method using the signal in the Scintilator Electromagnetic Calorimeter(SEC) and in the Mini Drift Chamber(MDC). At the considered beam energies the cms excess energies are very well matched to Δ-excitation in one of the nucleons. Indeed, the pp π0 data are in accord with the π0 production processing exclusively via Δ+-excitation. In contrast the pp π− data show only a small influence of Δ0-excitation pointing to a strong dominance of the isoscalar component in the incident channel. ∗ supported by BMBF (06 TU 201), DFG (Europ. Graduiertenkolleg) and EU FPG transnational access program