10:30 |
A 1.1 |
Interference of one-dimensional quasi-condensates — •Sebastian Hofferberth, Igor Lesanovsky, Stephanie Manz, Thorsten Schumm, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
10:45 |
A 1.2 |
Comparing Contact and Dipolar Interactions in a Bose-Einstein Condensate — •Axel Griesmaier, Jürgen Stuhler, Tobias Koch, Marco Fattori, Stefano Giovanazzi, and Tilman Pfau
11:00 |
A 1.3 |
Critical behavior of a trapped interacting Bose gas — •Tobias Donner, Stephan Ritter, Thomas Bourdel, Ferdinand Brennecke, Anton Öttl, Michael Köhl, and Tilman Esslinger
11:15 |
A 1.4 |
Antibunching in einem atomaren Fermigas — •Tim Rom, Thorsten Best, Dries van Oosten, Ulrich Schneider, Simon Fölling, Belen Paredes und Immanuel Bloch
11:30 |
A 1.5 |
Scissors Mode of a Strongly Interacting Fermi gas — •Stefan Riedl, Alexander Altmeyer, Christoph Kohstall, Matthew Wright, Johannes Hecker Denschlag, and Rudolf Grimm
11:45 |
A 1.6 |
Coherent Control of the Superfluid-to-Mott-Insulator Transition — •Andre Eckardt and Martin Holthaus
12:00 |
A 1.7 |
Superradiant Rayleigh Scattering and Collective Atomic Recoil Lasing with ultracold atoms in a ring-cavity — •Sebastian Slama, Gordon Krenz, Simone Bux, Claus Zimmermann, and Philippe Courteille
12:15 |
A 1.8 |
Spindomänen in F=2 87Rb Spinor-Kondensaten — •Jochen Kronjäger, Christoph Becker, Parvis Soltan-Panahi, Simon Stellmer, Kai Bongs und Klaus Sengstock
12:30 |
A 1.9 |
Coupling a Bose-Einstein condensate to a nanomechanical resonator — •Stephan Camerer, David Hunger, Daniel König, Jörg Kotthaus, Theodor Hänsch, Jakob Reichel, and Philipp Treutlein