A 14: Poster I - Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC
Dienstag, 20. März 2007, 16:30–18:30, Poster B
16:30 |
A 14.1 |
Transportable Rubidium magneto-optical trap as a high precision target for highly charged ions — •Simone Götz, Magnus Albert, Judith Eng, Terry Mullins, Wenzel Salzmann, Roland Wester, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
A 14.2 |
Rydberg atom in a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Stephan Middelkamp, Peter Schmelcher, and Igor Lesanovsky
16:30 |
A 14.3 |
Superradiant Rayleigh scattering in a high finese ring cavity — •Gordon Krenz, Sebastian Slama, Simone Bux, Claus Zimmermann, and Philippe Courteille
16:30 |
A 14.4 |
Thomas-Fermi approximation for a BEC in an optical dipole trap — •Walter Strunz and Lena Simon
16:30 |
A 14.5 |
Thermal dephasing of a Bose- Einstein Condensate in a double well potential — Walter Strunz and •Sigmund Heller
16:30 |
A 14.6 |
EIT-based cooling of neutral atoms — •Maryam Roghani and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
A 14.7 |
Study of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation for Mass-scaling of Cold Collision Properties — •Stephan Falke, Eberhard Tiemann, and Christian Lisdat
16:30 |
A 14.8 |
An electrodynamic trap for neutral atoms — •Sophie Schlunk, Adela Marian, Allard Mosk, Peter Geng, Wieland Schöllkopf, and Gerard Meijer
16:30 |
A 14.9 |
All-Optical Realization of a Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dipole Trap — •Christoph Käfer, Riad Bourouis, Jürgen Eurisch, Maryam Roghani, and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
A 14.10 |
Eine neue Apparatur für Fermionen in einer optischen Mikrofalle — •Timo Ottenstein, Friedhelm Serwane und Selim Jochim