16:30 |
A 23.1 |
Noise Embedded Quantum Systems — •Kamal Priya Singh and Jan Michael Rost
16:30 |
A 23.2 |
Coulomb scattering in strong laser fields — •Sebastian Bauch and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
A 23.3 |
Asymmetry in the photoelectron angular distribution by two-photon chirped excitation of sodium atoms — •Marc Krug, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
A 23.4 |
Keldysh-Faisal-Reiss theory: analytical and numerical analysis — •Yulian Vanne and Alejandro Saenz
16:30 |
A 23.5 |
Laser-driven bound dynamics in multiply charged hydrogen-like ions — •Henrik G. Hetzheim, Guido R. Mocken, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 23.6 |
Experimente zur Fragmentation von Atomen und Molekülen in intensiven phasenstabilisierten 6 fs Laserpulsen — •Manuel Kremer, Oliver Herrwerth, Hartmut Gimpel, Thorsten Ergler, Artem Rudenko, Karl Zrost, Bernold Feuerstein, Claus Dieter Schröter, Robert Moshammer und Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 23.7 |
Time-resolved studies of CH4 fragmentation in intense laser fields — •Ulrich Wiedemann, Artem Rudenko, Thorsten Ergler, Karl Zrost, Bernold Feuerstein, Claus Dieter Schröter, Robert Moshammer, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 23.8 |
Imaging of clusters by femtosecond scattering of intense soft X-rays — •Ekaterina Eremina, Christoph Bostedt, Matthias Hoener, Heiko Thomas, Thomas Möller, Tim Laarman, Hubertus Wabnitz, and Antonio Rubens Britto de Castro
16:30 |
A 23.9 |
Interaction of HeH2+ quasimolecule with short intense laser pulses — •Luis Fernandez-Menchero, Hans Jürgen Lüdde, and Tom Kirchner
16:30 |
A 23.10 |
Molecular Hydrogen in strong linearly polarized laser fields — •Timo Wilbois, Wolfgang Kamke, and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
A 23.11 |
Einfluss der Magnetfeldkomponente auf die e− e+-Paarbildung in starken, gegenläufigen Laserfeldern — •Matthias Ruf, Guido R. Mocken, Carsten Müller, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan und Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 23.12 |
Erhöhung des Elektronentransfers in laserassistierten p-Ne und p-Ar Stößen — •Tom Kirchner
16:30 |
A 23.13 |
Ionization of an atom in a strong laser pulse: numerical integration versus strong field theories. — •Yulian Vanne and Alejandro Saenz
16:30 |
A 23.14 |
A Lithium-MOT Target in a Reaction Microscope — Jochen Steinmann, Ganjun Zhu, •Alexander Dorn, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 23.15 |
Investigation of x-ray and high energy ions produced by laser-generated plasma in H2- and He-droplets — Rui Alexandre Costa Fraga and •Nikos Petridis
16:30 |
A 23.16 |
Ionization of helium by 5.9fs elliptical laser pulses — •Mathias Smolarski, André Staudte, Markus Schöffler, Ottmar Jagutzki, Reinhard Dörner, Petrissa Eckle, Philip Schlup, Jens Biegert, and Ursula Keller