14:00 |
A 8.1 |
Antihydrogen studies with ATHENA — •Alban Kellerbauer
14:30 |
A 8.2 |
Relativistic coupled-cluster theory of parity non-conservation in atomic systems — •Bijaya Kumar Sahoo
14:45 |
A 8.3 |
The HITRAP Cooler Trap: simulation of cooling of highly-charged ions in a Penning trap with a Particle-In-Cell code — •Giancarlo Maero, Frank Herfurth, Oliver Kester, Jürgen Kluge, Stephen Koszudowski, Wolfgang Quint, Stefan Schwarz, and Günter Zwicknagel
15:00 |
A 8.4 |
Mass measurements with SHIPTRAP in the endpoint-region of the rp-process — •Ana Martín, D. Ackermann, M. Block, A. Chaudhuri, S. Eliseev, F. Herfurth, F.P. Heßberger, S. Hofmann, H.-J. Kluge, G. Maero, J.B. Neumayr, W. Plaß, C. Rauth, L. Schweikhard, P.G. Thirolf, and G. Vorobjev
15:15 |
A 8.5 |
Status von HITRAP und Planung der Inbetriebnahme* — •Oliver Kester, Klaus Blaum, Sergey Eliseev, Frank Herfurth, Heinz-Jürgen Kluge, Christophor Kozhuharov, Stephen Koszudowski, Giancarlo Maero, Wolfgang Quint, Alexey Sokolov, Thomas Stöhlker, Gleb Vorobjev, Manuel Vogel, Danyal Winters, Wilfried Nörtershäuser und Ludwig Dahl
15:30 |
A 8.6 |
Eine Penningfalle für die Präzisions-Laserspektroskopie an hochgeladenen Ionen — •Jörg Krämer, Zoran Andjelkovic, Christopher Geppert, Manuel Vogel, Danyal Winters und Wilfried Nörtershäuser
15:45 |
A 8.7 |
Test of a Penning Trap dedicated for Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions — •Zoran Andjelkovic, Christopher Geppert, Jörg Krämer, Manuel Vogel, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser