A 9: Interaction with strong laser pulses II
Dienstag, 20. März 2007, 14:00–16:00, 5M
14:00 |
A 9.1 |
Correlated electron dynamics in few-cycle pulses — •Andreas Becker
14:30 |
A 9.2 |
Molecular tomography: test of accuracy and improvements using time-dependent calculations — •Elmar van der Zwan and Manfred Lein
14:45 |
A 9.3 |
Ionisation von Atomen mit Lichtpulsen aus einem 6 MHz Laseroszillator — •Sebastian Tschuch, Yunquan Liu, Martin Dürr, Robert Moshammer, Joachim Ullrich, Martin Siegel und Uwe Morgner
15:00 |
A 9.4 |
Coulomb effects in strong-field ionization — •Sergei Popruzhenko
15:15 |
A 9.5 |
Plasmon-enhanced multiple ionization C60 in intense short pulse laser fields down to 9 fs — •Ihar Shchatsinin, Tim Laarmann, Gero Stibenz, Günter Steinmeyer, Andrei Stalmashonak, Nickolai Zhavoronkov, Claus Peter Schulz, and Ingolf Volker Hertel
15:30 |
A 9.6 |
Nonsequential double recombination in intense laser fields — Peter Koval, Florian Wilken, •Dieter Bauer, and Christoph Keitel
15:45 |
A 9.7 |
Orbital imaging with high harmonics: single- vs. multi-electron approach — •Gerald Jordan and Armin Scrinzi