16:30 |
MO 29.1 |
BEC in the Coffee Mug? — •Whally Dilbert
16:30 |
MO 29.2 |
Controlling Molecular Orientation through Radiative Rotational Transitions in Strong Static Electric Fields — •Michael Mayle, Rosario Gonzalez-Ferez, and Peter Schmelcher
16:30 |
MO 29.3 |
Spectroscopy of the X1A1 → A1A2 transition of formaldehyde in the 329-331.7 nm region: The 201403 rovibrational band — •Michael Motsch, Markus Schenk, Martin Zeppenfeld, Pepijn W.H. Pinkse, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
MO 29.4 |
Interactions of negative ions in multipole traps — •Jochen Mikosch, Sebastian Trippel, Rico Otto, Markus Debatin, Michael Kröner, Christoph Eichhorn, Peter Woias, Matthias Weidemüller, and Roland Wester
16:30 |
MO 29.5 |
Trapping and cooling of single molecular ions for time resolved electron diffraction — •Günther Leschhorn, Steffen Kahra, Axel Friedenauer, Hector Schmitz, Ernst Fill, and Tobias Schätz
16:30 |
MO 29.6 |
Ein langer Stark-Abbremser für Schwefeldioxid — •Oleg Bucicov, Marcin Nowak, Sebastian Jung, Eberhard Tiemann und Christian Lisdat
16:30 |
MO 29.7 |
Collisions between cold, trapped ND3 and hot gases — •Christian Sommer, Sebastian Pohle, Thomas Rieger, Laurens D. van Buuren, Pepijn W.H. Pinkse, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
MO 29.8 |
NaK beam experiments: Cold Collision Studies — Andreas Gerdes, Matthias Hobein, •Alexander Stein, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
16:30 |
MO 29.9 |
Blackbody thermometry with cold molecular ions and possible application to ion-based frequency standards — •Jeroen Koelemeij, Bernhard Roth, and Stephan Schiller
16:30 |
MO 29.10 |
Experiments with decelerated and trapped OH radicals — •Joop Gilijamse, Steven Hoekstra, Nicolas Vanhaecke, Ludwig Scharfenberg, Sebastiaan van de Meerakker, and Gerard Meijer
16:30 |
MO 29.11 |
Manipulating molecules in high-field seeking quantum states with electric fields — •Frank Filsinger, Kirstin Wohlfart, Jochen Küpper, and Gerard Meijer
16:30 |
MO 29.12 |
Majorana transitions and their compensation in electric Ioffe- Pritchard traps — •Moritz Kirste, Melanie Schnell, Hendrick L. Bethlem, and Gerard Meijer