16:30 |
MO 56.1 |
High Harmonic Imaging of Conical Intersections — •Markus Gühr, Brian McFarland, Joseph Farrell, and Philip Bucksbaum
16:30 |
MO 56.2 |
Schwingungsrelaxation und Prädissoziation, Dephasierung und Dispersion : Br2 in festem Argon — •Mónika Héjjas, Heide Ibrahim, Markus Gühr und Nikolaus Schwentner
16:30 |
MO 56.3 |
Collision-induced decay of rotational coherence of N2-molecules — •Philipp Giese, Nina Owschimikow, and Nikolaus Schwentner
16:30 |
MO 56.4 |
Calculation and shaping of CARS spectra including rotations — •Jörg Liebers, Soroosh Pezeshki, Michael Schreiber, and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
16:30 |
MO 56.5 |
Molecular Dynamics of Pigment Molecules in Mesoporous Materials: Femtosecond Studies — •Khadga Karki, Juncheng Hu, Ryan Richards, and Arnulf Materny
16:30 |
MO 56.6 |
Investigation of Molecular Dynamics in all-trans-β-Carotene Using Femtosecond Pump-FWM Spectroscopy — •Abraham Scaria, Vinu Namboodiri, Jakow Konradi, and Arnulf Materny
16:30 |
MO 56.7 |
Optimal Control of CARS Spectra with Tailored Femtosecond Laser Pulses: Theory and Experiment — •Jakow Konradi, Soroosh Pezeshki, Jörg Liebers, Abraham Scaria, Vinu Namboodiri, Ulrich Kleinekathöfer, and Arnulf Materny
16:30 |
MO 56.8 |
Pump – Degenerate Four Wave Mixing (Pump – DFWM) as a technique for time resolving and controlling molecular excited state dynamics — •Jürgen Hauer, Tiago Buckup, and Marcus Motzkus
16:30 |
MO 56.9 |
Molecular Dynamics Investigation with Time-Resolved Optical Kerr Effect on CS2 - C6H6 and CS2 - PS Mixtures — •Ismael A. Heisler, Tiago Buckup, Silvio L.S. Cunha, and Ricardo R.B. Correia
16:30 |
MO 56.10 |
Optimierung der Singulett-Sauerstoff-Erzeugung für die photodynamische Therapie — •Johannes Schneider, Jutta Mildner, Matthias Wollenhaupt und Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
MO 56.11 |
Ultrafast IR-Spectroscopy on Flavin Systems — •Matthias Wolf, Ruth Groß, Christian Schumann, Rolf Diller, Britta Person, and Joachim Heberle
16:30 |
MO 56.12 |
Schwingungsspektroskopie im Femtosekundenbereich kleiner Moleküle — •Gerome Weiland, Dagmar Jones, Martin Linke, Henk Fidder und Karsten Heyne
16:30 |
MO 56.13 |
Effects of different bridge/anchor groups on the mechanisms of ultrafast heterogeneous electron transfer in a dye/semiconductor system — •Antje Neubauer, Jodi Szarko, Carlo Dinkel, Guido Morbach, Liana Socaciu-Siebert, Rainer Eichberger, and Frank Willig
16:30 |
MO 56.14 |
Analysis and Control of Metal Cluster Reactions by Modulated Ultra-broadband Laser Pulses — •Bruno Schmidt, Shaohui Li, Xin Zhang, Aldo Mirabal, Waldemar Unrau, Juri Demuth, Torsten Siebert, and Ludger Wöste
16:30 |
MO 56.15 |
Kohärenz und Doppelspaltinterferenz bei der Doppelionisation von H2 — •Dominique Akoury, Katharina Kreidi, Thorsten Weber, Till Jahnke, Markus Schöffler, Lothar Schmidt, Ottmar Jagutzki, Lutz Foucar, Tilo Havermeier, Nadine Neumann, Horst Schmidt-Böcking, Reinhard Dörner, Tim Osipov, Ali Belkacem, Mike Prior, Allen Landers, Predrag Ranitovic und Lewis Cocke