MS 6: Präzisionsmassenspektrometrie und Ionenfallen
Mittwoch, 21. März 2007, 14:00–16:00, 5F
14:00 |
MS 6.1 |
Proton-Neutron Interactions in Terms of Double Differences of Binding Energies : Relation to New Mass Measurements — •Burcu Cakirli
14:30 |
MS 6.2 |
Raumladungseffekte in Penningfallen — •Sven Sturm, Martin Breitenfeldt, Alexander Herlert, Romain Savreux, Chabouh Yazidjian und Lutz Schweikhard
14:45 |
MS 6.3 |
Newly developed image current detection system for high-accuracy mass measurements in a Penning trap — •Jens Ketelaer, Klaus Blaum, Sebastian George, Rafael Ferrer, Szilard Nagy, Dennis Neidherr, Stefan Stahl, Christine Weber, and collaboration SHIPTRAP
15:00 |
MS 6.4 |
A novel Penning trap mass spectrometer for fundamental studies — •Sebastian George, Frank Herfurth, Jens Ketelaer, Szilard Nagy, Wolfgang Quint, Stefan Stahl, and Klaus Blaum
15:15 |
MS 6.5 |
Trapping and Cooling of Highly Charged Ions at the HITRAP facility — •Stephen Koszudowski, Klaus Blaum, Sergej Eliseev, Oliver Kester, Heinz-Jürgen Kluge, Christophor Kozhuharov, Giancarlo Maero, Dennis Neidherr, Wolfgang Quint, Stefan Schwarz, Stefan Stahl, and Gleb Vorobjev
15:30 |
MS 6.6 |
Development and simulation of a pumping barrier for the Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP — •Dennis Neidherr, Klaus Blaum, Rafael Ferrer, Frank Herfurth, Jens Ketelaer, and Szilard Nagy
15:45 |
MS 6.7 |
Implementation of a sensitive, narrow-band Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance detection for short-lived radionuclides at SHIPTRAP — •Rafael Ferrer, Klaus Blaum, Frank Herfurth, Jens Ketelaer, Szilard Nagy, Dennis Neidherr, Christine Weber, and collaboration SHIPTRAP