MS 7: Poster
Mittwoch, 21. März 2007, 16:30–18:30, Poster A
16:30 |
MS 7.1 |
MATS - Measurements with an Advanced Trapping System at the future GSI facility FAIR — •Klaus Blaum, Frank Herfurth, and Collaboration MATS
16:30 |
MS 7.2 |
Enantiosensitive Laser-Massenspektrometrie auf unterschiedlichen Multi-Photonen-Anregungswegen — •Christoph Logé, Alexander Bornschlegl und Ulrich Boesl
16:30 |
MS 7.3 |
Resonante Lasermassenspektrometrie in der Spurenanalytik - Tracermoleküle im Abgas von Verbrennungsmotoren — •Stefan Sellmeier, Rares Vintan und Ulrich Boesl
16:30 |
MS 7.4 |
Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Vacuum Deposition — •Stephan Rauschenbach, Nicha Thontasen, Nicola Malinowski, and Klaus Kern
16:30 |
MS 7.5 |
Investigation of the octupolar excitation with the FT-ICR detection scheme — •Martin Breitenfeldt, Sudarshan Baruah, Alexander Herlert, Franklin Martinez, Gerrit Marx, Lutz Schweikhard, Noelle Walsh, and Falk Ziegler
16:30 |
MS 7.6 |
A setup for providing cooled, selected and bunched metal-cluster ions for photon-interaction studies — •Martin Arndt, Hagen Ritter, Gerrit Marx, and Lutz Schweikhard
16:30 |
MS 7.7 |
The effect of gold doping on the reactivity of free silver clusters: Comparison of Ag3+ and Ag2Au+ — •Denisia Popolan, Mihai Vaida, and Thorsten Bernhardt
16:30 |
MS 7.8 |
Recent high-precision mass measurements on radionuclides with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP — •Alexander Herlert