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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 14: Magnetischer Einschluss
P 14.3: Talk
Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 15:05–15:20, 6B
MHD induced fast ion losses in ASDEX Upgrade — •Manuel Garcia-Munoz1, Hans Ulrich Fahrbach1, Hartmut Zohm1, Josef Neuhauser1, Marc Maraschek1, Sibylle Günter1, Piero Martin2, Karl Sassenberg1, and Valentin Igochine1 — 1Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, D-85748 Garching, Germany — 2Consorzio RFX, Associazione EURATOM-ENEA per la fusione, Padova, Italy
We present the first results obtained with the new Fast Ion Loss Detector (FILD) installed recently in ASDEX Upgrade. An overview of the measurements and their preliminary conclusions is presented. FILD provides energy and pitch-angle (arcos(Vpar/V)) resolved FIL measurements with a bandwidth of 1 MHz, which comfortably covers all the dynamics up to Alfvén modes. The energy range covers from 60 keV up to 700 keV for deuterium ions at a central magnetic field of 2T while the pitch-angle ranges from 20∘ up to 87∘. Lost particles have been observed in the presence of a rich variety of MHD phenomena, from low frequency MHD modes like NTMs to high frequency modes i.e. TAEs. A strong correlation between mode amplitude and amount of particle losses is observed. The loss mechanisms involved in the ejection of fast ions due to ELMs, NTMs and TAEs are discussed. In addition, a new MHD mode has been identified for the first time by means of its strong and deleterious influence on the energetic ion population.