Q 16: Quanteneffekte (Interferenz und Korrelationen)
Montag, 19. März 2007, 16:30–18:45, 5E
16:30 |
Q 16.1 |
Quantum correlations between photons scattered by strongly pumped regular structures — •Mihai Macovei, Jörg Evers, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:45 |
Q 16.2 |
Photon antibunching from a single qantum dot-microcavity system in the strong coupling regime — •Stephan Götzinger, David Press, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Stephan Reitzenstein, Carolin Hofmann, Andreas Löffler, Martin Kamp, and Alfred Forchel
17:00 |
Q 16.3 |
Two-Photon Optics — •Daniel Schlenk and Harald Weinfurter
17:15 |
Q 16.4 |
Decoherence measurements and visualisation of the quantum-classical border using an electron interferometer — •Peter Sonnentag and Franz Hasselbach
17:30 |
Q 16.5 |
Photon statistics in the cooperative spontaneous emission — •Vasily V. Temnov and Ulrike Woggon
17:45 |
Q 16.6 |
Riemann-Zetafunktion als Autokorrelationsmessung eines Quantenzustands — •Rüdiger Mack und Wolfgang P. Schleich
18:00 |
Q 16.7 |
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in an optical dipole trap — •Harald Kübler, Bernd Kaltenhäuser, Andreas Chromik, Jürgen Stuhler, Atac Imamoglu, and Tilman Pfau
18:15 |
Q 16.8 |
Photon second order correlations vs. interference for a single atom in a half cavity — •Daniel Rotter, Francois Dubin, Manas Mukherhjee, Carlos Russo, Juergen Eschner, and Rainer Blatt
18:30 |
Q 16.9 |
Non-destructive measurements on the Cs clock transition: towards atomic spin squeezing — •Patrick Windpassinger, Daniel Oblak, Niels Kjaergaard, and Eugene Polzik