Q 17: Quantengase (Bosonische Gitter I)
Dienstag, 20. März 2007, 10:30–12:30, 6J
10:30 |
Q 17.1 |
Sweeping from the Superfluid to the Mott Phase in the Bose-Hubbard Model — •Michael Uhlmann, Ralf Schützhold, Yan Xu, and Uwe Fischer
10:45 |
Q 17.2 |
Phase-dependent Landau-Zener effect in asymmetric optical lattices — •Tobias Salger, Gunnar Ritt, Carsten Geckeler, Sebastian Kling, and Martin Weitz
11:00 |
Q 17.3 |
Semiclassical quantization of an N-particle Bose-Hubbard model — •Eva-Maria Graefe and Hans-Jürgen Korsch
11:15 |
Q 17.4 |
Kicked Bose-Hubbard systems and kicked tops – destruction and stimulation of tunneling — •Martin P. Strzys, Eva-Maria Graefe, and Hans-Jürgen Korsch
11:30 |
Q 17.5 |
Bloch-Oscillations Instability of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Lattice — Andrey Kolovsky, •Ming-Chiang Chung, and Andreas Buchleitner
11:45 |
Q 17.6 |
Quenching, relaxation, and a central limit theorem for quantum lattice systems — Christopher Dawson, Tobias Osborne, Jens Eisert, and •Marcus Cramer
12:00 |
Q 17.7 |
Cold atom dynamics in a quantum optical lattice potential — •Christoph Maschler and Helmut Ritsch
12:15 |
Q 17.8 |
Visibility of Atomic Cloud Released from Optical Lattice — •Alexander Hoffmann, Konstantin Krutitsky, and Axel Pelster