Q 19: Erzeugung ultrakurzer Lichtimpulse
Dienstag, 20. März 2007, 10:30–12:15, 5K
10:30 |
Q 19.1 |
Fourier limited tunable pulses in the visible and NIR by cw seeding of fs and ps NOPAs — •Markus Breuer, Christian Homann, Eberhard Riedle, and Frank Setzpfandt
10:45 |
Q 19.2 |
Circular phase mask for control and enhancement of femtosecond optical filamentation — •Thomas Pfeifer, Lukas Gallmann, Mark J. Abel, Phillip M. Nagel, Daniel M. Neumark, and Stephen R. Leone
11:00 |
Q 19.3 |
Amplification of Shaped Supercontinuum from a Photonic Crystal Fiber — •Jens Möhring, Tiago Buckup, Bernhard von Vacano, and Marcus Motzkus
11:15 |
Q 19.4 |
Flexible Dispersion Control for Ultrashort Laserpulses — •Georg Gademann, Konstantin Simeonidis und Joachim Ullrich
11:30 |
Q 19.5 |
Tunable ultrashort laser pulses generated through filamentation in gases — •A. Becker, F. Theberge, N. Akozbek, W. Liu, and S.L. Chin
11:45 |
Q 19.6 |
Short-pulse optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) for the generation of high-power few-cycle pulses — •Andreas Henig, József Fülöp, Zsuzsanna Major, Sebastian Kruber, Jens Osterhoff, Rainer Hörlein, Ferenc Krausz, and Stefan Karsch
12:00 |
Q 19.7 |
Tunable pulses from below 300 to 950 nm with durations down to 12 fs from a 2 MHz Yb-doped fiber system — Christian Schriever, Patrizia Krok, •Stefan Lochbrunner, and Eberhard Riedle