Q 24: Quantengase (Bosonische Gitter II)
Dienstag, 20. März 2007, 14:00–16:00, 6J
14:00 |
Q 24.1 |
A tunable quantum gas in an optical lattice — •Elmar Haller, Mattias Gustavsson, Gabriel Rojas-Kopeinig, Anton Flir, Manfred Mark, and Hanns-Christoph Nägerl
14:15 |
Q 24.2 |
Dynamics of correlations and quantum phase transitions in bosonic lattice systems — •Oliver Buerschaper, Ignacio Cirac, and Michael Wolf
14:30 |
Q 24.3 |
Bose-Fermi-Gemische in einem 3D optischen Gitter — •Thorsten Best, Dries van Oosten, Tim Rom, Ulrich Schneider, Sebastian Will, Lucia Hackermüller, Martin Zwierlein und Immanuel Bloch
14:45 |
Q 24.4 |
Ultra cold atomic gases in non-Abelian gauge fields — •Andreas Jacob, Luis Santos, Patrik Öhberg, Michael Fleischhauer, Julius Ruseckas, and Gediminas Juzeliunas
15:00 |
Q 24.5 |
Vielteilchendynamik von repulsiv gebundenen Teilchenpaaren in einem periodischen Potential — David Petrosyan, •Bernd Schmidt, James R. Anglin und Michael Fleischhauer
15:15 |
Q 24.6 |
Response of Bose Gases in time-dependent Optical Superlattices — •Markus Hild, Felix Schmitt, Ilona Tuerschmann, and Robert Roth
15:30 |
Q 24.7 |
Ultracold Gases in 1D Optical Lattices: Exact Diagonalisation vs. Perturbation Theory — •Felix Schmitt, Markus Hild, Ilona Tuerschmann, and Robert Roth
15:45 |
Q 24.8 |
Glassy behavior of Bose-Bose mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices — •Tommaso Roscilde and Juan Ignacio Cirac