Q 40: Quantengase (Spinor-Gase)
Mittwoch, 21. März 2007, 14:00–15:45, 6J
14:00 |
Q 40.1 |
Vortex quantum creation and winding number scaling in a quenched spinor Bose gas — Michael Uhlmann, Ralf Schützhold, and •Uwe R. Fischer
14:15 |
Q 40.2 |
Teaching the old dog new tricks: Quantum dynamics of atomic coherence in spin-1 condensates — •Lev Plimak, Reinhold Walser, Wolfgang Schleich, Kai Bongs, and Klaus Sengstock
14:30 |
Q 40.3 |
Exploring the correspondence principle with spinor condensates — •Carsten Weiß, Reinhold Walser, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and Lev Plimak
14:45 |
Q 40.4 |
Reversible quantum phase dispersion in ultracold spinor gases — •Artur Widera, Simon Fölling, Stefan Trotzky, Patrik Cheinet, Fabrice Gerbier, and Immanuel Bloch
15:00 |
Q 40.5 |
Manifestation of dynamical screening in a spinor condensate — •Navez Patrick
15:15 |
Q 40.6 |
Spinor Bose-Einstein Kondensate in optischen Dreiecksgittern — •Christoph Becker, Jochen Kronjäger, Parvis Soltan-Panahi, Sebastian Schnelle, Simon Stellmer, Kai Bongs und Klaus Sengstock
15:30 |
Q 40.7 |
Thermodynamic Properties of Spinor Fermi Gases — •Aristeu Lima and Axel Pelster