Q 53: Quanteninformation (Quantencomputer I)
Donnerstag, 22. März 2007, 12:00–13:00, 5L
12:00 |
Q 53.1 |
Transport of Atoms in Arrays of Dipole Traps — •Andre Lengwenus, Jens Kruse, Manuel Scherer, Markus Wagner, and Gerhard Birkl
12:15 |
Q 53.2 |
Quantenzustandsmanipulation in segmentierten Paulfallen:Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Optimal Control Theory — •Ulrich Poschinger, Kilian Singer und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
12:30 |
Q 53.3 |
Experimental investigation of 43Ca+ as a new qubit candidate — •Jan Benhelm, Gerhard Kirchmair, Timo Koerber, Christian Roos, and Rainer Blatt
12:45 |
Q 53.4 |
Photoassociation phasegate for ultracold atoms in an optical lattice — •Christian Schwenke, Tommaso Calarco, and Christiane Koch