16:30 |
Q 61.1 |
Kohärenter Besetzungstransfer zwischen atomaren Niveaus: Erzeugung und Vermessung von Überlagerungszuständen — •Frank Vewinger, Manfred Heinz, Christian Barthel, Ulrich Schneider und Klaas Bergmann
16:30 |
Q 61.2 |
Adiabatic frequency conversion of quantum optical information in atomic vapor — •Frank Vewinger, Eden Figueroa, Jürgen Appel, and Alexander Lvovsky
16:30 |
Q 61.3 |
Optimal truncation of Gauss sums for integer factorization — •Martin Štefaňák, Wolfgang Merkel, Wolfgang P. Schleich, Daniel Haase, and Helmut Maier
16:30 |
Q 61.4 |
Towards Quantum Optics with Surface Plasmons — •Vasily V. Temnov, Yuri Fedutik, Marco Allione, Oliver Schöps, Vitaly Anikeyev, Mikhail V. Artemyev, Jose Dintinger, Eloise Devaux, Thomas W. Ebbesen, and Ulrike Woggon
16:30 |
Q 61.5 |
Casimir Forces and nano-crafted surfaces — Lodewijk Arntzen, Maarten DeKieviet, Felix Laux, and •Ulrich Warring
16:30 |
Q 61.6 |
Photon correlations in broadband down-converted light — •Benjamin Freyer, Axel Heuer, and Ral Menzel
16:30 |
Q 61.7 |
Two photon interference of multimode waveguided parametric downconversion. — •Andreas Eckstein and Christine Silberhorn
16:30 |
Q 61.8 |
Wignerfunktion zur Beschreibung der Riemann-Zeta-Funktion — •Cornelia Feiler, Rüdiger Mack und Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 61.9 |
Non-linear processes in pulse propagation through closed-loop systems — •Robert Fleischhaker and Jörg Evers
16:30 |
Q 61.10 |
An ultracold gas of Rydberg atoms — •Janne Denskat, Christian Giese, Thomas Amthor, Markus Reetz-Lamour, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 61.11 |
Towards negative refraction in the optical frequency domain — •Peter P. Orth, Jörg Evers, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 61.12 |
Geometry-dependence of dipole-dipole interaction — •Sandra Isabelle Schmid and Jörg Evers
16:30 |
Q 61.13 |
Stern-Gerlach experiment for slow light — •Leon Karpa and Martin Weitz
16:30 |
Q 61.14 |
Laser assisted dynamics of the electron pair in harmonium: photoexcitation, energy absorption, and transparency. — •Oleg Kidun and Dieter Bauer