14:15 |
HK 12.1 |
Suche nach skalarer Wechselwirkung mit dem WITCH Experiment: Prinzip und Stand des Experiments — •Marcus Beck, Peter Friedag, Christian Weinheimer, Sam Coeck, Mustapha Herbane, Valentin Kozlov, Ilya Kraev, Nathal Severijns, Michael Tandecki, Pierre Delahaye, Alexander Herlert und Frederick Wenander
14:30 |
HK 12.2 |
Mass measurements on superallowed β-emitters using Ramsey’s excitation method at ISOLTRAP — •Sebastian George for the ISOLTRAP collaboration
14:45 |
HK 12.3 |
Recent high-accuracy mass measurements with ISOLTRAP — •M. Kowalska, D. Beck, K. Blaum, M. Breitenfeldt, S. George, F. Herfurt, A. Herlert, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, D. Neidherr, L. Schweikhard, C. Yazidjian, D. Lunney, R. Savreux, and S. Schwarz
15:00 |
HK 12.4 |
Bindungsenergie-Systematik für 0+, T=1 und 1+, 2+ und 3+, T=0 Zustände von Nukliden mit N=Z und A=4n+2 von 14N bis 38K — •Friedrich Everling
15:15 |
HK 12.5 |
Search for E0 Transitions in Mg Isotopes around the Island of Inversion* — •W. Schwerdtfeger, V. Bildstein, D. Habs, T. Kröll, R. Krücken, T. Morgan, O. Schaile, M. Sewtz, P. Thirolf, and K. Wimmer for the IS414 collaboration
15:30 |
HK 12.6 |
First measurement of the spin/parity and magnetic moment neutron-rich 33Mg using β-NMR — D. Yordanov, •M. Kowalska, K. Blaum, K. Flanagan, P. Lievens, R. Neugart, and G. Neyens
15:45 |
HK 12.7 |
First Tests of a new Setup for Transfer Experiments @ REX-ISOLDE — •Vinzenz Bildstein, Roman Gernhäuser, Thosten Kröll, Reiner Krücken, Riccardo Raabe, and Piet Van Duppen for the MINIBALL collaboration
16:00 |
HK 12.8 |
Magnetic Quadrupole Modes in Selfconjugate sd-Shell Nuclei from Electron Scattering at 180∘ — •Maksym Chernykh, Natalya Goncharova, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Natalya Pronkina, and Achim Richter
16:15 |
HK 12.9 |
Lifetime and g-factor measurements on Coulomb excited 36S beams+ — Stefan Schielke, Karl-Heinz Speidel, •Jörg Leske, Norbert Pietralla, Tan Ahn, Alin Costin, Oscar Zell, Shadow JQ Robinson, Alberto Escuderos, Yitzhak Sharon, Larry Zamick, and Jean Gerber