14:15 |
HK 15.1 |
The 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction studied at LUNA — •Daniel Bemmerer, Ralf Kunz, Michele Marta, Claus Rolfs, Frank Strieder, and Hanns-Peter Trautvetter for the LUNA collaboration
14:30 |
HK 15.2 |
14N(p,γ)15O ground state capture studied above the 259 keV resonance at LUNA — •Michele Marta, Daniel Bemmerer, Ralf Kunz, Claus Rolfs, Frank Strieder, and Hanns-Peter Trautvetter for the LUNA collaboration
14:45 |
HK 15.3 |
Measurement of 3He(α,γ)7Be with ERNA Recoil Separator — •Antonino Di Leva for the ERNA collaboration
15:00 |
HK 15.4 |
Study of the 12C+12C fusion reactions near the Gamow energy — •Frank Strieder, Timothy Spillane, Francesco Raiola, Hans-Werner Becker, Cristina Bordeanu, Lucio Gialanella, Claus Rolfs, Daniel Schürmann, and Jeff Schweitzer
15:15 |
HK 15.5 |
Isotopic Production Cross Sections in Proton-Nucleus — •H. Machner, D. Aschman, K. Baruth-Ram, J. Carter, A. Cowley, F. Goldenbaum, B. Nangu, J. Pilcher, E. Sideras-Hadad, J. P. Sellschop, F. Smit, B. Spoelstra, and D. Steyn
15:30 |
HK 15.6 |
Neutron capture cross section of 76Ge — •Justyna Marganiec, Iris Dillmann, Cesar Domingo Pardo, Peter Grabmayr, and Franz Käppeler
15:45 |
HK 15.7 |
Photoactivation of 92Mo and investigation of the short-lived isomer in 91Mo with the new pneumatic delivery system at ELBE — •Martin Erhard, Daniel Bemmerer, Roland Beyer, Paulo Crespo, Michael Fauth, Eckart Grosse, Arnd Junghans, Joakim Klug, Krasimir Kosev, Gencho Rusev, Klaus-Dieter Schilling, Ronald Schwengner, and Andreas Wagner
16:00 |
HK 15.8 |
Erste astrophysikalische Experimente zum p-Prozess am FRS/LAND-Aufbau* — •Linda Kern für die FRS-LAND-S295 Kollaboration
16:15 |
HK 15.9 |
Messung der Neutroneinfangquerschnitte von Blei und Wismuth Isotopen — •Cesar Domingo-Pardo für die nTOF Kollaboration