Gießen 2007 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 25: Kernphysik / Spektroskopie
Mittwoch, 14. März 2007, 11:15–12:45, D
11:15 |
HK 25.1 |
Quadrupole moment of the 8+ yrast state in 84Kr* — •Ronald Schwengner, Dimiter Balabanski, Gerda Neyens, Nadia Benouaret, Dana Borremans, Nico Coulier, Marieke De Rydt, Georgi Georgiev, Stephen Mallion, Georgi Rainovski, Gencho Rusev, Stefanie Teughels, and Katrien Vyvey
11:30 |
HK 25.2 |
Shape fluctuation and the collisional damping width of the giant dipole resonance in A∼84 — •Sarla Rathi
11:45 |
HK 25.3 |
Dipole response of 88Sr up to the neutron-separation energy* — •Ronald Schwengner, Nadia Benouaret, Gencho Rusev, Roland Beyer, Friedrich Doenau, Martin Erhard, Eckart Grosse, Arnd Junghans, Joakim Klug, Krasimir Kosev, Latchesar Kostov, Chitra Nair, Nicolay Nankov, Klaus-Dieter Schilling, and Andreas Wagner
12:00 |
HK 25.4 |
Isomeric Spectroscopy in the N=Z=41 nucleus 82Nb — •Lucia Cáceres, Magdalena Górska, Andrea Jungclaus, Paddy Regan, and Adam Garnsworthy for the RISING collaboration
12:15 |
HK 25.5 |
S277 - A one-nucleon knockout experiment at the FRS* — •Peter Maierbeck for the S277 collaboration
12:30 |
HK 25.6 |
The experimental determination of a nuclear matrix element for the double-beta decay of 96Zr through charge-exchange reactions — •H. Dohmann, D. Frekers, E.-W. Grewe, S. Hollstein, and J.-H. Thies