Gießen 2007 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 35: Elektromagnetische und Hadronische Sonden
Mittwoch, 14. März 2007, 17:00–18:30, A
17:00 |
HK 35.1 |
Single-Pion Production at Tp = 400 MeV and the Excitation of the Δ Resonance* — •Evgueni Doroshkevich, Heinz Clement, Katharina Ehrhardt, Arthur Erhardt, and Gerhard Wagner for the COSY-TOF collaboration
17:15 |
HK 35.2 |
Excitation of the Roper Resonance in Single- and Double-Pion Production* — Tatiana Skorodko, •Heinz Clement, Mikhail Bashkanov, Evgueni Doroshkevich, Murat Kaskulov, Olena Khakimova, Florian Kren, and Gerhard Wagner for the CELSIUS-WASA collaboration
17:30 |
HK 35.3 |
Study of the near threshold η meson production in the deuteron-proton collision. — •Cezary Piskor-Ignatowicz, Pawel Moskal, and Jerzy Smyrski for the COSY-11 collaboration
17:45 |
HK 35.4 |
Mechanism of near-threshold production of the η meson by means of the analysing power measurements — •Rafal Czyzykiewicz and Pawel Moskal for the COSY-11 collaboration
18:00 |
HK 35.5 |
Study of the η and η′ meson production in the quasi-free proton-neutron reactions at COSY-11 — •Barbara Rejdych, Rafal Czyzykiewicz, Pawel Moskal, and Joanna Przerwa for the COSY-11 collaboration
18:15 |
HK 35.6 |
Precise measurement of the total width of the η′ meson — •Eryk Czerwiński, Dieter Grzonka, and Pawel Moskal for the COSY-11 collaboration