Gießen 2007 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 45: Elektromagnetische und Hadronische Sonden
Donnerstag, 15. März 2007, 14:15–16:00, A
14:15 |
HK 45.1 |
σ-Channel Threshold Enhancement in Double-Pionic Fusion* — •Mikhail Bashkanov, Heinz Clement, Olena Khakimova, Florian Kren, Annette Pricking, Tatiana Skorodko, and Gerhard Wagner for the CELSIUS-WASA collaboration
14:30 |
HK 45.2 |
Measurement of the reaction dd→ α K+K− with ANKE/COSY — •Xiauhua Yuan for the ANKE collaboration
14:45 |
HK 45.3 |
Investigation of the 3He η Final State in dp-Reactions at ANKE — •Tobias Rausmann, Alfons Khoukaz, Timo Mersmann, Malte Mielke, and Michael Papenbrock for the ANKE collaboration
15:00 |
HK 45.4 |
Exclusive Measurement of the p + 6Li → 7Be + η reaction — •Daniil Kirillov for the GEM collaboration
15:15 |
HK 45.5 |
Towards double-polarization measurements at ANKE — •andro kacharava for the ANKE collaboration
15:30 |
HK 45.6 |
Status report on WASA at COSY — •Christian Pauly for the WASA-at-COSY collaboration
15:45 |
HK 45.7 |
Do unpolarized electrons affect the polarization of a stored proton beam? — •Dieter Oellers, Paolo Lenisa, Frank Rathmann, Ralf Schleichert, and Hans Ströher for the ANKE collaboration