Gießen 2007 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 8: Instrumentation und Anwendungen
Montag, 12. März 2007, 18:00–19:15, B
18:00 |
HK 8.1 |
Performance and position sensitivity of the first AGATA detectors. — •Bart Bruyneel, Jürgen Eberth, Herbert Hess, Andreas Linnemann, Gheorghe Pascovici, Peter Reiter, and Andreas Wiens for the AGATA collaboration
18:15 |
HK 8.2 |
Optimisation of the transfer function and crosstalk in an AGATA test cryostat — •Andreas Linnemann, George Pascovici, Bart Bruyneel, Peter Reiter, Herbert Hess, and Andreas Wiens for the AGATA collaboration
18:30 |
HK 8.3 |
Tracking and background suppression in the planned gamma array of DESPEC — •Stanislav Tashenov and Jürgen Gerl
18:45 |
HK 8.4 |
AGATA-Pulsformanalyse — •Michael Schlarb, Roman Gernhäuser, Reiner Krücken und Pierre Désesquelles
19:00 |
HK 8.5 |
Photon identification in double beta decay-experiments using segmented germanium detectors — •Kevin Kröninger, Iris Abt, Allen Caldwell, Manuela Jelen, Daniel Lenz, Jing Liu, Xiang Liu, Bela Majorovits, and Jens Schubert