GR 202: Numerische Simulationen
Dienstag, 6. März 2007, 14:00–15:30, KIP Kl. HS
14:00 |
GR 202.1 |
Motion around gravitating monopoles — •Valeria Kagramanova, Jutta Kunz, and Claus Lämmerzahl
14:15 |
GR 202.2 |
Calibration of Moving Puncture Simulations — •Bernd Brügmann, Jose Gonzalez, Mark Hannam, Sascha Husa, Ulrich Sperhake, and Wolfgang Tichy
14:30 |
GR 202.3 |
Total recoil: the maximum kick from nonspinning black-hole binary inspiral — Jose Gonzalez, •Ulrich Sperhake, Bernd Brügmann, Mark Hannam, and Sascha Husa
14:45 |
GR 202.4 |
Discrete action functionals and symplectic integrators — •Ralf Peter and Jörg Frauendiener
15:00 |
GR 202.5 |
Application of Discrete Differential Forms in numerical General Relativity — •Ronny Richter
15:15 |
GR 202.6 |
Relativistic Simulations of Neutron Star Mergers — •Roland Oechslin