T 407: BSM Theorie II
Donnerstag, 8. März 2007, 16:45–19:00, KIP SR 2.402
16:45 |
T 407.1 |
EW Corrections to Pair Production of Top-Squarks within the MSSM — Wolfgang Hollik, Monika Kollar, and •Maike Trenkel
17:00 |
T 407.2 |
NLO Event Generation for Chargino Production at the ILC — •Tania Robens
17:15 |
T 407.3 |
CP violation in chargino production and decay into the tau at the ILC — •Anja Marold
17:30 |
T 407.4 |
Kaluza-Klein-Resonanzen in Vektorbosonfusionsprozessen — •Christoph Englert und Dieter Zeppenfeld
17:45 |
T 407.5 |
W-Pair-Production in the Noncommutative Standard Model at Hadron Colliders — Thorsten Ohl, Reinhold Rückl, and •Christian Speckner
18:00 |
T 407.6 |
MSSM Higgs-boson production in bottom-quark fusion: electroweak radiative corrections — Stefan Dittmaier, Michael Krämer, •Alexander Mück, and Tobias Schlüter
18:15 |
T 407.7 |
Zerfällt das Higgs dominant in Neutrinos? — •Michael Kobel, Andreas Ludwig und Wolfgang Mader
18:30 |
T 407.8 |
The Passage of Ultrarelativistic Neutralinos through Matter — •Sascha Bornhauser and Manuel Drees
18:45 |
T 407.9 |
SUSY Seesaw and Lepton Flavor Violation at the LHC and ILC — Simon Albino, •Frank Deppisch, Dilip Ghosh, and Reinhold Rückl