T 502: Niederenergetische Neutrinos II
Freitag, 9. März 2007, 14:00–16:20, INF 308 Kl. HS
14:00 |
T 502.1 |
Status des solaren Neutrinoexperiments Borexino — •Marianne Göger-Neff
14:15 |
T 502.2 |
Status des KATRIN Neutrinoexperiments — •Frank Eichelhardt für die KATRIN Kollaboration
14:35 |
T 502.3 |
Das GERDA-Experiment — •Hardy Simgen für die GERDA Kollaboration
14:50 |
T 502.4 |
Status des COBRA-Experiments — •Daniel Münstermann für die COBRA Kollaboration
15:05 |
T 502.5 |
Operation of a GERDA phase I prototype detector in liquid argon and nitrogen — •Marik Barnabe Heider, Oleg Chkvorets, Konstantin Gusev, Stefan Schoenert, and Mark Schrichenko for the GERDA collaboration
15:20 |
T 502.6 |
Limit on the radiative 0 neutrino-ECEC decay of 36Ar — •Oleg Chkvorets, Marik Barnabé Heider, Konstantin Gusev, and Stefan Schoenert for the GERDA collaboration
15:35 |
T 502.7 |
Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Scattering with Cryogenic Detectors — •Achim Gütlein, Christian Ciemniak, Christian Isaila, Jean-Côme Lanfranchi, Lothar Oberauer, Sebastian Pfister, Walter Potzel, Sabine Roth, Franz von Feilitzsch, and Wolfgang Westphal
15:50 |
T 502.8 |
Elektromagnetische Messungen mit dem KATRIN Vorspektrometer — •Florian Habermehl für die KATRIN Kollaboration
16:05 |
T 502.9 |
Magnetic field calculations for the KATRIN main spectrometer — •Ferenc Glück for the KATRIN collaboration