17:00 |
BP 16.1 |
Preparation of dense arrays of end-tethered DNA on solid substrates — •hui li, juha koota, ina seuffert, alexander andré, georg maret, and thomas gisler
17:00 |
BP 16.2 |
Biological surfaces and their response to environmental stress — •Agnieszka Krol-Otwinowska, Karl Hieble, and Margret Giesen
17:00 |
BP 16.3 |
Fast and Light-Efficient Wavefront Sensing — •Marcel Andreas Lauterbach, Markus Rueckel, and Winfried Denk
17:00 |
BP 16.4 |
Energy Transfer between Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes in Model Membrane Systems — •Tobias Pflock, Manuela Dezi, Giovanni Venturoli, Jürgen Köhler, and Silke Oellerich
17:00 |
BP 16.5 |
Lipid-mediated protein interactions in lipid bilayers — •Beate West and Friederike Schmid
17:00 |
BP 16.6 |
Fluctuation-dissipation relation for colloidal particles in shear flow — •Thomas Speck and Udo Seifert
17:00 |
BP 16.7 |
Cell shape-dependent forces at focal adhesions — •Sebastian Schmidt, Ilka Bischofs, and Ulrich Schwarz
17:00 |
BP 16.8 |
Energy transfer processes in a bisporphyrinic switch — •Jedrzej Szmytkowski, Robert Hauschild, Manfred Scholdt, Teodor Silviu Balaban, and Heinz Kalt
17:00 |
BP 16.9 |
Accuracy check of detection algorithms for fluorescent colloidal spheres by simulation — •Markus Gyger
17:00 |
BP 16.10 |
Brownian dynamics simulations of protein cluster assembly — •Jakob Schluttig and Ulrich Schwarz
17:00 |
BP 16.11 |
Evolutionary emergence of complexity in model food webs — •Christian Guill and Barbara Drossel
17:00 |
BP 16.12 |
Nanotomography of Human Bone Based on Scanning Probe Microscopy — •Stephanie Röper, Christian Dietz, Sabine Scherdel, Anke Bernstein, Nicolaus Rehse, and Robert Magerle
17:00 |
BP 16.13 |
Dynamics of micro-capsules in shear flow using spectral methods — •Steffen Kessler, Reimar Finken, and Udo Seifert
17:00 |
BP 16.14 |
Interaction of Model Proteins in a Lipid Bilayer under Surface Tension — •Jörg Neder, Beate West, and Peter Nielaba
17:00 |
BP 16.15 |
Nanoscale thermophoresis for bioanalysis on a chip — •Christoph Wienken and Dieter Braun
17:00 |
BP 16.16 |
Sexual reproduction prevails in a world of structured resources in short supply — •Irene Ament, Barbara Drossel, and Stefan Scheu
17:00 |
BP 16.17 |
Transport of phospholipids in the canalicular membrane of the hepatocyte — •Thomas Schwager, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, and Andreas Herrmann
17:00 |
BP 16.18 |
Stretching of a DNA/HU-protein complex in SMD simulations — •Carsten Olbrich and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:00 |
BP 16.19 |
Solution Behavior of Semiconductor-Binding Peptides — •Stefan Schnabel, Simon Mitternacht, Michael Bachmann, Anders Irbäck, and Wolfhard Janke
17:00 |
BP 16.20 |
Particle image correlation spectroscopy (PICS) — •Stefan Semrau and Thomas Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 16.21 |
Single molecule microscopy using focal plane illumination — •Jörg Ritter, Werner Wendler, and Ulrich Kubitscheck
17:00 |
BP 16.22 |
Intranuclear dynamics of single mRNA molecules in living C. tentans salivary gland cell nuclei — •Roman Veith, Jan-Peter Siebrasse, and Ulrich Kubitscheck
17:00 |
BP 16.23 |
Coarse-grained simulation studies of peptide-induced pore formation — •Gregoria Illya and Markus Deserno
17:00 |
BP 16.24 |
Detecting lipid bilayer formation and expansion by a microfabricated cantilever array — Ioana Pera and •Jürgen Fritz
17:00 |
BP 16.25 |
Toxicologic impact of Carbon Nanotubes on Caco-2 cells — •Heike Kreher, Claus-Michael Lehr, and Marc Schneider
17:00 |
BP 16.26 |
Biofilm adsorption on structured substrates — •Hubert Mantz, Christoph Gilow, Anthony Quinn, Karin Jacobs, Markus Bellion, and Ludger Santen
17:00 |
BP 16.27 |
Brownian dynamics of rods in a crowded environment — •Tobias Munk, Felix Höfling, Erwin Frey, and Thomas Franosch
17:00 |
BP 16.28 |
Bacteriophage HK97 studied by nanoindentation — •Wouter H. Roos, Irena L. Ivanovska, John E. Johnson, and Gijs J. L. Wuite
17:00 |
BP 16.29 |
Force generation in a filopodia model system — •Simone Köhler, Mireille Claessens, Michael Schleicher, and Andreas Bausch
17:00 |
BP 16.30 |
Ex-situ measurements of adsorbed protein layers — •Christof Weitenberg, Hubert Mantz, and Karin Jacobs
17:00 |
BP 16.31 |
Polymers in external fields — •Christian Sendner and Roland Netz
17:00 |
BP 16.32 |
Influence of spacer length and density on the vertical structures of supported membranes studied by neutron reflectivity — •Peter Seitz, Oliver Purrucker, Anton Förtig, Raimund Gleixner, Giovanna Fragneto, Rainer Jordan, and Motomu Tanaka
17:00 |
BP 16.33 |
Persistence length of semiflexible polymers and bending rigidity renormalization — •Petra Gutjahr, Reinhard Lipowsky, and Jan Kierfeld
17:00 |
BP 16.34 |
Exact mean and variance of neuronal subthreshold voltage fluctuations driven by shot noise — •Lars Wolff and Benjamin Lindner
17:00 |
BP 16.35 |
Cellular Potts Model based simulation of endothelial network formation — •Martin Peglow and Heiko Rieger
17:00 |
BP 16.36 |
Remodelling of an arteriovenous vascular network during tumor growth and simulation of drug flow: A theoretical model — •Michael Welter and Heiko Rieger
17:00 |
BP 16.37 |
Beitrag abgesagt — •XXX XXX
17:00 |
BP 16.38 |
Shift-Twist-Symmetry and pattern formation in the visual cortex — •Wolfgang Keil, Michael Schnabel, and Fred Wolf
17:00 |
BP 16.39 |
Detection of Coupling Directions in Multivariate Dynamical Systems with Applications to Tremor-Correlated Spike Activity in Parkinson's Disease — •Bjoern Schelter, Kathrin Henschel, Florian Amtage, Jan Vesper, Bernhard Hellwig, Carl Hermann Luecking, and Jens Timmer
17:00 |
BP 16.40 |
Protein Adsorption kinetics monitored via SPR — •Hendrik Hähl, Hubert Mantz, and Karin Jacobs
17:00 |
BP 16.41 |
Photobleaching in two-photon scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy — •Zdeněk Petrášek and Petra Schwille
17:00 |
BP 16.42 |
Mimicking E-cadherin mediated cell adhesion with synthetic lipid membranes — •Susanne Fenz and Kheya Sengupta
17:00 |
BP 16.43 |
Growth dependent alterations of the energy metabolism in neuronal cell cultures — •Jiraporn Luengviriya, Thomas Mair, Carina Helemeke, Katharina Braun, and Stefan C. Müller
17:00 |
BP 16.44 |
FRAP-Analysis of Protein Exchange Dynamics in Focal Adhesion Sites — •Christoph Möhl, Simone Born, Claudia Schäfer, Bernd Hoffmann, and Rudolf Merkel
17:00 |
BP 16.45 |
Stochastic description of time delayed feedback oscillators — •Luis G. Morelli and Frank Jülicher
17:00 |
BP 16.46 |
Cooperativity of Integrin-mediated Adhesion on Nanopatterned Substrates — •Christine Selhuber, Thorsten Erdmann, Ulrich Schwarz, Horst Kessler, and Joachim Spatz
17:00 |
BP 16.47 |
Nonlinear Elasticity of Entangled Actin Networks — •Christine Semmrich, Klaus Kroy, and Andreas Bausch
17:00 |
BP 16.48 |
Driven transport through channels: Interaction effects — •Martin Körner, Mario Einax, Philipp Maass, and Abraham Nitzan
17:00 |
BP 16.49 |
Dynamic light scattering of F-actin solutions — •Jens Glaser and Klaus Kroy
17:00 |
BP 16.50 |
Untersuchungen tiefenaufgelöster elektrischer Eigenschaften im Kortex von Mongolischen Wüstenrennmäusen — M. Kruse, M. Deliano, H. Witte, F.W. Ohl, •A. Reiher, A. Krtschil und A. Krost
17:00 |
BP 16.51 |
Single Molecule Unzipping of Coiled-Coils: The role of neck/hinge interactions for the regulaton of fungal kinesins — •Elisabeth Wasner, Thomas Bornschlögl, and Matthias Rief
17:00 |
BP 16.52 |
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy on Flavoproteins — •Florian Spreitler, Astrid Pelzmann, Ortwin Meyer, and Jürgen Köhler
17:00 |
BP 16.53 |
Investigtion of the first stepsat the CNTF mediated signal transduction by means of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in living cells — •Eva Wallhäußer, Felix Neugart, Andrea Zappe, Deborah Buk, Lutz Graeve, Carsten Tietz, and Jörg Wrachtrupp
17:00 |
BP 16.54 |
Improving the Functionality of DNA Layers on Gold by Electrically Induced Desorption — •Jelena Knežević, Kenji Arinaga, Ulrich Rant, Erika Pringsheim, Marc Tornow, Shozo Fujita, Naoki Yokoyama, and Gerhard Abstreiter
17:00 |
BP 16.55 |
How depletion forces affect the organisation and mechanics of actin bundles — •Philipp von Olshausen, Oliver Lieleg, Mireille Claessens, and Andreas Bausch
17:00 |
BP 16.56 |
Electrostatics of DNA complexes with cationic lipids — •Andrey Cherstvy
17:00 |
BP 16.57 |
Disordered ocular dominance maps by inter-map coupling — •Lars Reichl, Siegrid Löwel, and Fred Wolf
17:00 |
BP 16.58 |
Floppy modes: low-energy elastic excitations of stiff polymer networks — Claus Heussinger, •Boris Schaefer, and Erwin Frey