BP 7: Fibers and Bundles
Montag, 26. März 2007, 16:15–18:00, H44
16:15 |
BP 7.1 |
Finite bundle size in reconstituted cyotskeletal systems — •Mireille Claessens and Andreas Bausch
16:30 |
BP 7.2 |
Dynamics and statistical mechanics of semiflexible polymer bundles — •Claus Heussinger, Mark Bathe, and Erwin Frey
16:45 |
BP 7.3 |
Fluctuation Dynamics of Grafted Microtubules — •Francesco Pampaloni, Katja Taute, Gianluca Lattanzi, and Ernst-Ludwig Florin
17:00 |
BP 7.4 |
Force regulation of microtubule dynamics in living cells — •Christian Tischer, Damian Brunner, and Marileen Dogterom
17:15 |
BP 7.5 |
Force generation by growing filament bundles — •Jan Kierfeld, Torsten Kühne, and Reinhard Lipowsky
17:30 |
BP 7.6 |
The Influence of internucleosomal interaction and local structure on the geometry of large chromatin fibers — •René Stehr, Nick Kepper, Karsten Rippe, and Gero Wedemann
17:45 |
BP 7.7 |
The 30nm chromatin fiber: As dense as it gets — •Martin Depken and Helmut Schiessel