CPP 13: Polymer Physics IV: Thin Films
Dienstag, 27. März 2007, 14:30–17:15, H40
14:30 |
CPP 13.1 |
Graphitizing polyimide surfaces — •Irina Lazareva, Yuri Koval, M. Alam, Stefan Strömsdörfer, Slava Dremov, and Paul Müller
14:45 |
CPP 13.2 |
Reversible charge storage and modification of thin polymer films investigated by electrostatic force microscopy — •Andreas Kleiner, Othmar Marti, Armin Knoll, Bernd Gotsmann, and Urs Dürig
15:00 |
CPP 13.3 |
Assembly of diblock copolymers on patterned substrates: A ``Single-Chain-in-Mean-Field-Simulation'' study — •Marcus Muller and Kostas Daoulas
15:15 |
CPP 13.4 |
Demixing and dewetting in films of binary mixtures — •Santiago Madruga and Uwe Thiele
15:30 |
CPP 13.5 |
Molecular-dynamics simulations of thin films with a free surface — •Simone Peter, Hendrik Meyer, and Joerg Baschnagel
15:45 |
30 min. break
16:15 |
CPP 13.6 |
Investigation of Polymer Surfaces by Dynamic Force Spectroscopy — •Jan-Erik Schmutz and Hendrik Hölscher
16:30 |
CPP 13.7 |
Thin Films of Semifluorinated Liquid Crystalline Side Chain Block Copolymers — •Peter Busch, Sitaraman Krishnan, Marvin Paik, Gilman Toombes, Sol Gruner, and Christopher Ober
16:45 |
CPP 13.8 |
Manipulation of smectic layers thickness in smectic elastomers by means of uniaxial stretching — •Victor Aksenov, Martin Rössle, Ralf Stannarius, and Rudolf Zentel
17:00 |
CPP 13.9 |
Orientation and structural changes upon uni- and biaxial drawing of polyamide 6 — •Hussein Shanak, Karl-Heinz Ehses, Jan Lion, Peter Leibenguth, and Rolf Pelster