CPP 21: POSTER: Dynamics and Diffusion
Mittwoch, 28. März 2007, 16:00–18:30, Poster B
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CPP 21.1 |
A new way of implementing partial slip boundary conditions — •Jens Smiatek, Friederike Schmid, and Michael Allen
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CPP 21.2 |
2H-NMR-Untersuchungen der modifizierten Defektdynamik in dotiertem Eis — •Daniel Schraft, Burkhard Geil, Marco Scheuermann und Florian Löw
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CPP 21.3 |
Molecular dynamics in a glass-forming liquid crystal as studied by broadband dielectric and thermal spectroscopy — Ana Brás, Madalena Dionísio, Heiko Huth, Christoph Schick, and •Andreas Schoenhals
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CPP 21.4 |
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Dynamik im Tetrahydrofuran-Hydrat-Clathrat mit Hilfe der 2H-NMR — •Andre Nowaczyk, Burkhard Geil und Roland Böhmer
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CPP 21.5 |
Dielectric response of polar liquids in narrow slit pores — Vladimir Froltsov and •Sabine Klapp
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CPP 21.6 |
Determination of microscopic interaction constants with unprecedented accuracy — •Felix Lehmkühler, Michael Paulus, Simone Streit, and Metin Tolan
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CPP 21.7 |
Diffusion and spin relaxation in thin excited slices — •Achim Gädke and Nikolaus Nestle
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CPP 21.8 |
Relaxation and transport properties of the macromolecules in solution: effects of the friction tensors — •Alexander Uvarov and Stephan Fritzche
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CPP 21.9 |
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of electroosmotic flow — •Marcello Sega and Christian Holm
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CPP 21.10 |
Is lithium hydride LiH or LiH0.5? This is just a question of time! — •Tyno Abdul-Redah
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CPP 21.11 |
The dielectric properties of ionic liquids — •Joshua Sangoro, Anatoli Serghei, Frank Bordusa, and Friedrich Kremer