DF 3: Relaxor Ferroelectrics
Montag, 26. März 2007, 14:30–17:30, H11
14:30 |
DF 3.1 |
Investigation of relaxor ferroelectrics by piezoresponse force microscopy — •Vladimir Shvartsman and Wolfgang Kleemann
15:10 |
DF 3.2 |
Electric-field induced phase transition in near-electrode region of PbMg0.33Nb0.67O3 - 28% PbTiO3 relaxor -ferroelectric (001) single-crystal wafer — •Alexander A. Levin, Anja I. Pommrich, Torsten Weißbach, and Dirk C. Meyer
15:30 |
DF 3.3 |
Relaxor ferroelectrics: ferroic clustering and phonon anomalies — •Boriana Mihailova, Anna-Maria Welsch, Bernd Guettler, Marin Gospodinov, and Ulrich Bismayer
15:50 |
DF 3.4 |
Crystal structure of the relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 from 300 K to 20 K — •Bernd Maier, Jörg Ihringer, Boriana Mihailova, and Ulrich Bismayer
16:10 |
DF 3.5 |
Defect structure in acceptor- and donor-doped PZT compounds — •Ruediger-A. Eichel
16:30 |
DF 3.6 |
Surface barrier layer contacts and colossal dielectric constants in calcium-copper-titanate — •Stephan Krohns, Peter Lunkenheimer, Stefan Ebbinghaus, and Alois Loidl
16:50 |
DF 3.7 |
Characterization of piezo ceramics on the nanoscale by Conducting AFM — Yue Hou, •Andrei Andreev, and Christian Teichert
17:10 |
DF 3.8 |
Stability of polypropylene ferroelectrets against ionizing alpha-radiation — •Mario Dansachmüller, Ivan Minev, Francisco Camacho-Gonzalez, Simona Bauer-Gogonea, Reinhard Schwödiauer, and Siegfried Bauer