DF 4: Internal Symposium “Order/Disorder versus/with Displacive Behaviour”
Dienstag, 27. März 2007, 10:00–13:00, H11
10:00 |
DF 4.1 |
Intrinsically Heterogeneous Ferroelectrics: Origins and Consequences — •A. R. Bishop
10:40 |
DF 4.2 |
High resolution NMR of phase transitions: experimental criteria for order/disorder vs. displacive behaviour — •Naresh Dalal
11:00 |
DF 4.3 |
Peculiarities in the dielectric and heat capacity responses of strontium barium niobate — •Jan Dec, Zdravko Kutnjak, Severyn Miga, Wolfgang Kleemann, George Cordoyiannis, Vladimir Shvartsman, Tadeusz Łukasiewicz, and Marek Świrkowicz
11:20 |
DF 4.4 |
Is the observation of a soft mode sufficient to characterize a transition as displacive? The case of SrTi18O3 — •Annette Bussmann-Holder
11:40 |
DF 4.5 |
Domain states and critical behaviour of random field Ising model systems — •Wolfgang Kleemann
12:00 |
DF 4.6 |
Possible frustrated ferroelectricity and very high K of oxide perovskites — •Francois Gervais, Virginie Brizé, Cécile Autret, Jérôme Wolfman und Monique Gervais
12:20 |
DF 4.7 |
Order - disorder versus displacive behaviour of ferroelectric perovskites — •Robert Blinc