DF 5: Glass I (joint session with DY)
Dienstag, 27. März 2007, 10:00–13:00, H23
10:00 |
DF 5.1 |
Connection of the slow β-relaxation and physical aging in metallic glasses — •Jörg Hachenberg, Dennis Bedorf, and Konrad Samwer
10:15 |
DF 5.2 |
Fast β-relaxation of Na in Na2O-xB2O3 melts — •Florian Kargl, Andreas Meyer, and Michael Marek Koza
10:30 |
DF 5.3 |
Microscopic mechanism of the β-process in metallic glass formers: molecular dynamics results for NiZr — •Helmar Teichler
10:45 |
DF 5.4 |
Liquid-to-glass transition of bulk-glass forming Cu60Ti20Zr20 alloy by molecular dynamics simulations — •Xiujun Han and Helmar Teichler
11:00 |
DF 5.5 |
Neutron scattering on levitated metallic droplets — •Andreas Meyer, Dirk Holland-Moritz, Sebastian Stueber, Thomas Hansen, and Tobias Unruh
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
DF 5.6 |
Understanding the fragility of supercooled liquids in terms of the properties of the potential energy landscape — •Andreas Heuer
11:45 |
DF 5.7 |
Molecular dynamics of a bioprotective fluid confined to nanopores — •Nicolas Ubrig, Rémi Busselez, René Berwanger, Denis Morineau, and Rolf Pelster
12:00 |
DF 5.8 |
Continuous Time Random Walk Description of the Dynamics of a Model Glass Former — •Oliver Rubner and Andreas Heuer
12:15 |
DF 5.9 |
Complex Dynamics in a Binary Glass Former investigated by Dielectric Spectroscopy — •Philipp Gutfreund, Thomas Blochowicz, and Bernd Stühn
12:30 |
DF 5.10 |
Ab-inito calculations of atomic cluster configurations for ion conducting glasses — •Christian Müller and Philipp Maass
12:45 |
DF 5.11 |
Evaluation of effective one-particle potentials for the identification of ion conduction pathways in glasses — •Egbert Zienicke, Christian Müller, and Philipp Maass