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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten

DS 15: Poster Session

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 15:00–17:00, Poster B

15:00 DS 15.1 The dielectric function of coronene studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry — •Daniel Lehmann and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
15:00 DS 15.2 Optical Properties of Spiro-linked Organic Thin Films — •Simona Silaghi, Till Spehr, Christoph Cobet, Christoph Werner, Josef Salbeck, Sven Peters, Walter Braun, and Norbert Esser
15:00 DS 15.3 IR mapping ellipsometry of ultrathin organic films on metallic and semiconducting substrates — •Dana Maria Rosu, Michael Gensch, Karen Kavanagh, Wenjie Li, Julia Hsu, Norbert Esser, Ullrich Schade, and Karsten Hinrichs
15:00 DS 15.4 Light induced oxidative switching of anthracene monolayers — •Burkhard Stiller, Werner Fudiker, Fred Albrecht, Stephan Katholy, Torsten Linker, and Dieter Neher
15:00 DS 15.5 Low temperature reflection anisotropy spectroscopy investigation of vanadyl phthalocyanine — •Michael Fronk, Björn Bräuer, Dietrich Zahn, and Georgeta Salvan
15:00 DS 15.6 XPS and ARPES studies of azobenzene derivatives on HfS2 — •Jaroslaw Iwicki, Susanne Kobelt, Christian Hamann, Kai Rossnagel, and Lutz Kipp
15:00 DS 15.7 Preparation of organic thin films from solution on metal templates — •Stephan Wenzel, Norman Schmidt, George Tzvetkov, and Rainer Fink
15:00 DS 15.8 Optical Investigation of Thin Photochromic Spiropyran Films — •Martin Schübbe, Michael Karcher, Celine Elsäßer, Christoph Rüdt, and Paul Fumagalli
15:00 DS 15.9 Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Vacuum DepositionNicha Thontasen, •Stephan Rauschenbach, Yeliang Wang, Giovanni Costantini, Nicola Malinowski, and Klaus Kern
15:00 DS 15.10 Layer-by-layer growth of Metal-Organic Open Frameworks on a Functionalized Organic Surface — •Osama Shekhah, Hui Wang, Thomas Strunskus, and Christof Woell
15:00 DS 15.11 Creation of microstructured poly(glycidyl-methacrylate) surfaces — •Viatcheslav Gruzdev, Anton Kiriy, and Manfred Stamm
15:00 DS 15.12 Sensing investigations of tungsten oxide nano-particle thin films using Impedance Spectroscopy — •Tim Hülser, Hartmut Wiggers, Sonja Hartner, and Axel Lorke
15:00 DS 15.13 Adsorption of CdTe nanoparticles on Poly(acrylic acid) brushes — •Smrati Gupta, Petra Uhlmann, Nikolai Gaponik, and Manfred Stamm
15:00 DS 15.14 The Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Prestructured Substrates by Chemical Vapour Deposition — •Thomas Reichel, Mathias Steglich, and Bernd Schröter
15:00 DS 15.15 Magnetoelectrolysis of Co nanowire arrays grown in a track-etched polycarbonate membraneJaime Sánchez-Barriga, Manuel Lucas, •Florin Radu, Guillermo Rivero, Pilar Marin, and Antonio Hernando
15:00 DS 15.16 Surface plasmonic properties in swift heavy ion (SHI) treated Au, Ag, and Cu based polymer-metal nanocomposite films — •Venkata Sai Kiran Chakravadhanula, Christian Hanisch, Henry Greve, Dietmar Fink, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, and Franz Faupel
15:00 DS 15.17 Structural properties of cobalt implanted TiO2 rutile films — •Numan Akdogan, Alexei Nefedov, Werner Becker, Rustam Khaibullin, Lenar Tagirov, and Hartmut Zabel
15:00 DS 15.18 A transmission electron microscopy study of TiO2 thin films epitaxially grown on SrTiO3 and yttria-stabilized zirconia substrates — •Andriy Lotnyk, Stephan Senz, and Dietrich Hesse
15:00 DS 15.19 Time dependent desciption of thermal effects during transmission of electrons through thin solids — •Werner Koch, Frank Grossmann, Axel Rother, and Rüdiger Schmidt
15:00 DS 15.20 Relaxation effects in NiMnSb-Half-Heusler thin films — •Andreas Stahl, Christian Kumpf, and Eberhard Umbach
15:00 DS 15.21 Roughness of laser deposited metal / metal oxide layered structures — •Tobias Liese, Andreas Meschede, Johanna Röder, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
15:00 DS 15.22 In-situ surface sensitive X-ray investigations of quench condensed thin metal films — •Christian Markert, Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht, Sascha Gertz, and Ronald Frahm
15:00 DS 15.23 Retardation correction for PEM based multi-channel reflectance difference spectroscopy — •Chunguang Hu, Lidong Sun, Michael Hohage, J. Flores-Camacho, Peter Zeppenfeld, and Xiaotang Hu
15:00 DS 15.24 Structural Properties of CoFeB/MgO Magnetic Tunnel Junction Multilayers — •Miriana Vadala, Alexei Nefedov, Gregor Nowak, Arndt Remhof, Kurt Westerholt, and Hartmut Zabel
15:00 DS 15.25 Speciation of carbonitride nanolayersOlaf Baake, Peter Hoffmann, Andreas Klein, Wolfgang Ensinger, •Beatrix Pollakowski, Burkhard Beckhoff, Jan Weser, Gerhard Ulm, Nadeshda Fainer, Marina Kosinova, and Valentina Trunova
15:00 DS 15.26 Rauigkeitsanalyse von Cäsiumoberflächen über die Auswertung der Autokorrelationslänge — •Armin Fubel, Martin Zech, Paul Leiderer, Jürgen Klier und Valeri Shikin
15:00 DS 15.27 Comparative study of PLD and sputtered Pr0,68Ca0,32MnO3 films: Resistance switching effect at room temperature — •Julia Fladerer, Peter Moschkau, Sebastian Schramm, Christian Jooss, and Jörg Hoffmann
15:00 DS 15.28 Herstellung mittels PLD und Charakterisierung der kristallographischen Eigenschaften von ZnO/YBa2Cu3O7−x-Schichtsystemen — •Robert Pietzcker, Veit Grosse, Gabriel Zieger, Frank Schmidl und Paul Seidel
15:00 DS 15.29 Characterisation of praseodymium-oxide films on Si(111) including SPALEED, XRD and GIXRD measurements — •Sebastian Gevers, Thomas Weisemoeller, Thomas Schroeder, Peter Zaumseil, Lars Boewer, Carsten Deiter, and Joachim Wollschlaeger
15:00 DS 15.30 Infrared in-situ analysis of solid-liquid interfaces — •Karsten Hinrichs, Katy Roodenko, and Jörg Rappich
15:00 DS 15.31 Determination of intrinsic stresses in thin films by nanoindentation — •Olena Chkhrai, Norbert Schwarzer, and Frank Richter
15:00 DS 15.32 Development of a new software tool to characterize mechanical properties in layered structures — •Ferenc Molnar, Norbert Schwarzer, Matthias Herrmann, and Frank Richter
15:00 DS 15.33 Investigations of the mechanical loss of tantala films between 5 and 300 K — •Matthias Hudl, Ronny Nawrodt, Anja Zimmer, Sandor Nietzsche, Wolfgang Vodel, Andreas Tünnermann, and Paul Seidel
15:00 DS 15.34 Adhesion energy measurements by means of white-light microscopy and controlled-buckling technique — •Eugen Nikitin, Astrid Pundt, and Reiner Kirchheim
15:00 DS 15.35 Nanocrystalline Diamond films: Morphology, Spectroscopy and Nano-Structuring — •Frederik Klauser, Xianjie Liu, Norbert Memmel, Erminald Bertel, Doris Steinmüller, and Alexander Kromka
15:00 DS 15.36 Model Experiments concerning the transition from Nanocrystalline Diamond to Microcrystalline Diamond — •Nicolas Woehrl, Jutta Mack, and Volker Buck
15:00 DS 15.37 Annealing behaviour of hydrogenated and oxidized nanocrystalline diamondMaxim Eremtchenko, Jens Uhlig, Martin Finsterbusch, •Roland Koch, Anita Neumann, Syed Imad-Uddin Ahmed, Jose A. Garrido, Martin Stutzmann, and Juergen A. Schaefer
15:00 DS 15.38 Measuring and tailoring the intrinsic stress in amorphous carbon films — •Oleksiy Filipov, Nicolas Woehrl, and Volker Buck
15:00 DS 15.39 FEM Simulation of the Laser Plasma Interaction during Laser Nitriding — •Daniel Höche, Gerd Rapin, and Peter Schaaf
15:00 DS 15.40 Influence of different halides and oxygen on BN thin film deposition — •Sarah Panowitz, Jens Matheis, and Achim Lunk
15:00 DS 15.41 Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of thin diffusion barriers of TaN and Ta for Cu interconnects in integrated circuits — •Sukumar Rudra, Marion Friedrich, Sindu Louis, Ovidiu Gordan, Thomas Wächtler, and Dietrich Zahn
15:00 DS 15.42 Band Bending Investigation of Ag/S-GaAs(100) Schottky Contacts by Raman Spectroscopy — •Steve Pittner and Dietrich Zahn
15:00 DS 15.43 Production and characterisation of bandwidth- and phase-optimised La/B4C- and Cr/Ti-multilayer-mirrors for the reflection of ultra short XUV-pulses — •Stefan Hendel, Marc D. Sacher, Wiebke Hachmann, Ulf Kleineberg, and Ulrich Heinzmann
15:00 DS 15.44 The structure and composition of oxidized and reduced tungsten oxide films — •Christoph Rameshan, Simon Penner, Bernhard Klötzer, Xianjie Liu, and Frederik Klauser
15:00 DS 15.45 Optimization of optical properties of thermochromic VO2 filmsGanhua Fu, •Jennifer Stiebich, Angelika Polity, Niklas Volbers, and Bruno Kurt Meyer
15:00 DS 15.46 First-principles characterization of charged oxygen vacancies in cubic HfO2Stephan Kremers, •Jörg Neugebauer, Matthias Wuttig, and Blazej Grabowski
15:00 DS 15.47 Polarization coupled response of ZnO-BaTiO3 heterojunctions: A model approach — •Venkata Voora, Tino Hofmann, Matthias Brandt, Mathias Schubert, Michael Lorenz, and Marius Grundmann
15:00 DS 15.48 Functional oxide films patterned by soft-lithography — •Ole Fridthjof Göbel, Sajid Ullah Khan, Johan Evert ten Elshof, and David Hermanus Adrianus Blank
15:00 DS 15.49 Deposition of Metal-Oxide Particles by Spray PyrolysisAlexandre Santos Abreu, •Matthias Knoll, Reinhard Tidecks, and Siegfried Horn
15:00 DS 15.50 Nanoscaled surface structures on Silicon induced by low energy sputtering under different angles — •Raphael Niepelt, Klaus Jesiek, Kun Zhang, Carsten Ronning, and Hans Hofsaess
15:00 DS 15.51 Ion induced self-organization on pre-patterned Si surfacesTheresa Lutz, •Bashkim Ziberi, Renate Fechner, Dietmar Hirsch, Klaus Zimmer, Frank Frost, and Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 DS 15.52 GISAXS and GID studies of ripple and dot pattern on Si and Ge surfaces by low-energy ion beam erosion — •Bashkim Ziberi, Frank Frost, Geradina Carbone, Till Metzger, and Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 DS 15.53 Modification of Solid Surfaces by Slow Highly Charged Ions — •Rene Heller and Stefan Facsko
15:00 DS 15.54 Modifizierung von medizinischen CoCr-Legierungen mit PIII — •Johanna Lutz, Antje Lehmann und Stephan Mändl
15:00 DS 15.55 Nitriding of Fe-Cr-Ni thin films by ion implantation — •Darina Manova and Stephan Mändl
15:00 DS 15.56 Controlled ion bombardment during sputter-deposition of thin films — •Evelyn Scheer, Dominik Köhl, Daniel Severin, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 DS 15.57 Structure modification of sputtered oxide films upon oxygen ion bombardment — •Christoph Angerhausen, Dominik Köhl, Daniel Severin, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 DS 15.58 Ni-Filme in reaktiven PlasmenMarion Quaas, Oxana Ivanova, Christiane Helm und •Harm Wulff
15:00 DS 15.59 Deposition von TiNx-Schichten durch reaktives Sputtern in einer DC-Magnetronentladung — •Stefan Wrehde, Marion Quaas, Robert Bogdanowicz, Hartmut Steffen, Harm Wulff und Rainer Hippler
15:00 DS 15.60 The Influence of Cross-Magnetron Effect on the Functional Film Properties of ITO Thin Films — •Ronny Kleinhempel, Hartmut Kupfer, Thoralf Dunger, Thomas Welzel, Benjamin Graffel, and Frank Richter
15:00 DS 15.61 The effect of target material and process parameters on the deposition rate of films grown by high power pulse magnetron sputtering — •Julia Dukwen, Kostas Sarakinos, Jones Alami, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 DS 15.62 Herstellung und Charakterisierung piezoelektrischer Zinkoxid-Schichten für Biochipanwendungen — •Kerstin Franziska Wätje, Jens Ebbecke, Jörg Lindner, Walter Assmann und Achim Wixforth
15:00 DS 15.63 Electronic properties of amorphous and crystalline Germanium Bismuth Tellurides — •Michael Austgen and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 DS 15.64 Crystallization kinetics in amorphous Tellurium alloys used for phase change recording — •Tobias Sontheimer, Michael Klein, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 DS 15.65 In-Situ Observation of Electron Stimulated Eching of SiO2 and the Initial Stage of Thermal Desorption — •Oliver Senftleben, Tanja Stimpel-Lindner, Ignaz Eisele, and Hermann Baumgärtner
15:00 DS 15.66 Study of the carbon dioxide adsorption on silicon — •Daniela Lietz, Michael Paulus, Christian Sternemann, and Metin Tolan
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2007 > Regensburg