11:00 |
HL 53.1 |
Aspects of heavy-hole light-hole band mixing effects on the coherent optical generation of charge and spin currents in semiconductor heterostructures — •Bernhard Pasenow, Huynh Thanh Duc, Torsten Meier, and Stephan W. Koch
11:15 |
HL 53.2 |
Investigation of Coulomb induced coupling in semiconductor nanostructures using 2D Fourier-Transform-Spectroscopy — •Irina Kuznetsova, Peter Thomas, Torsten Meier, Tianhao Zhang, and Steven T. Cundiff
11:30 |
HL 53.3 |
Nonequilibrium Green's functions approach to artificial atoms: Equilibrium properties — •Karsten Balzer, Michael Bonitz, Nils-Erik Dahlen, and Robert van Leuween
11:45 |
HL 53.4 |
Theoretical description of the lattice dynamics in laser-excited InSb — •Jessica Walkenhorst, Christian Gilfert, Christian Sippel, Waldemar Töws, Eeuwe Sieds Zijlstra, and Martin Garcia
12:00 |
HL 53.5 |
Ultrafast hole-spin dynamics in bulk GaAs — •Michael Krauss and Hans Christian Schneider
12:15 |
HL 53.6 |
Terahertz radiation from a large-area photoconductive device — •Falk Peter, Sven Nitsche, Stephan Winnerl, André Dreyhaupt, Harald Schneider, and Manfred Helm
12:30 |
HL 53.7 |
Ultrafast electron relaxation-dynamics in p-doped GaAs — •Yao-Hui Zhu, Hans Christian Schneider, and Martin Aeschlimann
12:45 |
HL 53.8 |
Ultrafast dynamics of coherent opticalphonons in α-quartz — •Konrad von Volkmann, Tobias Kampfrath, Lucca Perfetti, Jan Nötzold, Christian Frischkorn, and Martin Wolf
13:00 |
HL 53.9 |
Dynamik kohärenter akustischer Phononen in Halbleiterheterostrukturen — •Florian Hudert, Thomas Dekorsy und Klaus Köhler
13:15 |
HL 53.10 |
Ultraschnelle Ladungsträgerdynamik in GaAsN — •Gregor Klatt, Florian Hudert, Thomas Dekorsy und Klaus Köhler
13:30 |
HL 53.11 |
All-optical generation and coherent control of ballistic electrical currents in silicon — •Louis Costa, Markus Betz, Marko Spasenovic, Alan Bristow, and Henry van Driel