15:00 |
MA 15.1 |
Dynamic strain in epitaxial ferroic oxide films — •Orkidia Bilani, Martina Dekker, Christian Thiele, Kathrin Dörr, Konstantin Nenkov, and Ludwig Schultz
15:00 |
MA 15.2 |
Growth and properties of epitaxial Sr2CrReO6 thin films — •F. Czeschka, S. Geprägs, S.T.B. Goennenwein, M. Opel, and R. Gross
15:00 |
MA 15.3 |
Multiferroic Materials Based on Artificial Thin Film Heterostructures — •S. Geprägs, M. Opel, S.T.B. Goennenwein, and R. Gross
15:00 |
MA 15.4 |
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 thin films in external magnetic fields — •Sigrun A. Köster, Thomas Mildner, Vasily Moshnyaga, Bernd Damaschke, and Konrad Samwer
15:00 |
MA 15.5 |
Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism of the Electron-Doped Cobaltates La1−xCexCoO3 — •Christian Pinta, Dirk Fuchs, Peter Adelmann, Thorsten Schwarz, Peter Schweiss, Stefan Mangold, and Stefan Schuppler
15:00 |
MA 15.6 |
Growth of La1−xCaxMnO3 and BaTiO3 thin films and multilayers using PLD with in-situ RHEED — •Heiko Fasold, Alexander Hirsch, Ralf Koppert, Frank Ludwig, and Meinhard Schilling
15:00 |
MA 15.7 |
Physical properties and microstructure of La0,67Ce0,33MnO3 thin films — •Christian Stingl, Vasily Moshnyaga, Yuansu Luo, Bernd Damaschke, and Konrad Samwer
15:00 |
MA 15.8 |
Magnetism and Magnetic Microstructure in Heusler Alloy Based Thin Film Systems — •Alexander Kaiser, Diana Rata, Stefan Cramm, and Claus M. Schneider
15:00 |
MA 15.9 |
Growth and characterization of Ni2MnIn Heusler films — •Jan Michael Scholtyssek, Lars Bocklage, Rainer Anton, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:00 |
MA 15.10 |
Towards a full Heusler alloy showing room temperature half-metallicity at the surface — •Mirko Cinchetti, Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Andrés Conca, Martin Jourdan, and Martin Aeschlimann
15:00 |
MA 15.11 |
Magneto-optical Kerr Effect Spectroscopy of Magnetic Nanoclusters in Organic Thin Films — •Wen Li, Roxana Pacurariu, Dietrich Zahn, and Georgeta Salvan
15:00 |
MA 15.12 |
Magnetoelectric effects in Manganite-Titanate Composite Films — •Kai Gehrke, Vasily Moshnyaga, and Konrad Samwer
15:00 |
MA 15.13 |
X-ray magnetic circulardichroism in cobalt-doped ZnO — •Karl-Wilhelm Nielsen, Sebastian Bauer, Konrad Senn, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Matthias Opel, Júlio Cezar, Dieter Schmeisser, and Rudolf Gross
15:00 |
MA 15.14 |
No Co ferromagnetism in Co doped ZnO — •Thomas Tietze, Sebastian Brück, Eberhard Goering, Gisela Schütz, Milan Gacic, Gerhard Jakob, Christian Herbort, and Hermann Adrian
15:00 |
MA 15.15 |
Defect-induced Ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO Thin Films — •Gillian Mayer, Erwin Biegger, Mikhail Fonin, Nils Janßen, Markus Beyer, Rudolf Bratschitsch, Yury Dedkov, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:00 |
MA 15.16 |
Thermal spin-wave excitations in GaMnAs — Matthias Sperl, •Ursula Wurstbauer, Werner Wegscheider, Christian Back, and Günther Bayreuther
15:00 |
MA 15.17 |
Magnetotransport and magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As thin films — •Matthias Althammer, Andreas Brandlmaier, Sebastian W. Schink, Matthias Opel, Rudolf Gross, and Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein
15:00 |
MA 15.18 |
Imaging magnetic structures in Ga1−xMnxAs films by low temperature laser scanning microscopy — •Stefan Guenon, Michael Wagenknecht, Sebastian Goennenwein, Rudolf Gross, Dieter Koelle, and Reinhold Kleiner
15:00 |
MA 15.19 |
Magneto-optical Kerr effect of EuO Thin Films — •S. Altendorf, R. Sutarto, T. Haupricht, and L. H. Tjeng
15:00 |
MA 15.20 |
Preparation, Capping and Characterization of Gd doped EuO Thin Films — •T. Haupricht, R. Sutarto, H. Ott, N. Hollmann, H. Hartmann, T. Lorenz, Z. Hu, C. F. Chang, H. H. Hsieh, H. J. Lin, C. T. Chen, P. Nagel, S. Schuppler, and L. H. Tjeng
15:00 |
MA 15.21 |
Spinresolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Amorphous CoFeB — •Martin Sperlich, Coen Smits, Reza Gadhimi, Frank Matthes, Theodoros Dimopoulos, Joachim Wecker, Claus M. Schneider, and Gernot Güntherodt
15:00 |
MA 15.22 |
Magnetic anisotropy in Fe1−xCox films on Pd(001), Pd/Cu(001) and Pd/GaAs(001) — •Xiuli Fu, Feng Luo, Jochen Barthel, Marek Przybylski, and Jurgen Kirschner
15:00 |
MA 15.23 |
Magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin Pd,Au/Fe bilayers on GaAs(001) — Oleksander Mosendz, Jan Zukrowski, Bartek Kardasz, Bret Heinrich, •Marek Przybylski, and Jurgen Kirschner
15:00 |
MA 15.24 |
X-ray magnetic linear dichroism in reflection and absorption spectra measured in the vicinity of the L2,3 edges of ultrathin cobalt films on W(110) — •Nagamony Ponpandian, Armin Kleibert, Stefan Gutzeit, Stefan Polei, and Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer
15:00 |
MA 15.25 |
Thin magnetic Co-based films with perpendicular anisotropy — •Jens Brandenburg, Volker Neu, Ruben Hühne, and Ludwig Schultz
15:00 |
MA 15.26 |
10keV He ion bombardment of Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au multilayers with alternating in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization — •Tanja Weis, Dieter Engel, Arno Ehresmann, Maria Tekielak, Andrzej Maziewski, Bogdan Szymanski, Janusz Dubowik, and Feliks Stobiecki
15:00 |
MA 15.27 |
Analysis of the structure and stoichiometry in iron/native iron oxide multilayers — •Thomas Diederich, Sebastien Couet, and Ralf Röhlsberger
15:00 |
MA 15.28 |
Ultrathin magnetic films on rhodium substrates — •Ali Al-Zubi, Gustav Bihlmayer, and Stefan Blügel
15:00 |
MA 15.29 |
Micromagnetic analysis of magnetization reversal in nanolayers with competing anisotropies and applications to layers of dilute magnetic semiconductor materials — Andrei A. Leonov, Igor E. Dragunov, Ulrich K. Rößler, and •Alexei N. Bogdanov
15:00 |
MA 15.30 |
Theory of stripe domains in ferromagnetic multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy — Igor E. Dragunov, Nicolai S. Kiselev, Ulrich K. Rößler, and •Alexei N. Bogdanov
15:00 |
MA 15.31 |
Green Function theory vs. Quantum Monte Carlo Calculation for thin magnetic films — •Sören Henning, Fritz Körmann, Stefan Schwieger, Jochen Kienert, and Wolfgang Nolting
15:00 |
MA 15.32 |
Tunable strain in MgO single crystals — •Mathias Weiler, Andreas Brandlmaier, Stephan Geprägs, Matthias Opel, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, and Rudolf Gross
15:00 |
MA 15.33 |
Electric-Field Induced Modification of Magnetism in Thin Film Ferromagnets — Martin Weisheit, •Sebastian Fähler, Alain Marty, Yves Souche, Christiane Poinsignon, and Dominique Givord
15:00 |
MA 15.34 |
Magnetoresistive effects in ultrathin permalloy films — •Stephen Krzyk, Mathias Kläui, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:00 |
MA 15.35 |
Current-induced magnetic vortex dynamics: micromagnetic simulations and time-resolved x-ray microscopy — •A. Drews, M. Bolte, B. Krüger, G. Meier, U. Merkt, B. Van Waeyenberge, A. Puzic, K. W. Chou, and H. Stoll
15:00 |
MA 15.36 |
Impedance of ferromagnetic microrings up to 120 MHz — •Thomas Kamionka, Toru Matsuyama, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:00 |
MA 15.37 |
Magnetoresistive effects in single LSMO:MgO grain-boundaries — •Markus Esseling, Vasily Moshnyaga, and Konrad Samwer
15:00 |
MA 15.38 |
Temperature dependence of current induced domain wall motion in NiFe — •Markus Laufenberg, Wolfgang Bührer, Pascal Dagras, Pierre-Eric Melchy, Mathias Kläui, Lutz Heyne, Dirk Backes, Daniel Bedau, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:00 |
MA 15.39 |
AlZr tunnel barriers in magnetic tunnel junctions — •Andrea Niemeyer, Andy Thomas, Hubert Brückl, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 15.40 |
Spin transfer torque in granular films AgCo and spin-valve structure Co/Cu/CoNiFeSiB — •Yuansu Luo, Markus Esseling, Markus Münzenberg, and Konrad Samwer
15:00 |
MA 15.41 |
Analysis of the oscillatory tunnel magnetoresistance caused by antiferromagnetic Mn Layers — •Peter Bose, Jürgen Henk, and Ingrid Mertig
15:00 |
MA 15.42 |
Structural properties and transport behaviour of polycrystalline Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al films as electrode materials in MTJs — •Rainer Kaltofen, Hartmut Vinzelberg, Dieter Elefant, Ingolf Mönch, Joachim Schumann, and Rainer Grötzschel
15:00 |
MA 15.43 |
Concept of a Metal Single-Electron Transistor as Spin-Valve Structure — •Markus Kasper, Saskia Fischer, and Ulrich Kunze
15:00 |
MA 15.44 |
Magnetotransport Properties of Cobalt-doped ZnO — •Konrad Senn, Karl-Wilhelm Nielsen, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Matthias Opel, and Rudolf Gross
15:00 |
MA 15.45 |
Transport properties of magnetic Co doped ZnO thin films — •Milan Gacic, Gerhard Jakob, and Hermann Adrian
15:00 |
MA 15.46 |
Structural and electrical characterization of magnetic tunnel junctions with ultrathin MgO-barriers — •Gerrit Eilers, Tore Niermann, Michael Seibt, and Markus Münzenberg
15:00 |
MA 15.47 |
Low-temperature tunneling magneto-resistance on LSMO-based junctions with organic barrier — •Hartmut Vinzelberg, Dieter Elefant, Joachim Schumann, Kathrin Dörr, Ramesh Gangineni, and Bernd Büchner
15:00 |
MA 15.48 |
Investigation of Spin Polarization by Point Contact Spectroscopy — •Christoph Jurecka, Martin Jourdan, and Hermann Adrian
15:00 |
MA 15.49 |
Comparison between MgO and AlOx barriers in Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al-Tunnel Junctions — •Christian Herbort, Andres Conca, Martin Jourdan, and Hermann Adrian
15:00 |
MA 15.50 |
A study on the influence of nano-oxide layer on magnetotransport properties of NiMn based giant magnetoresistive spin valve sensors — Anoop Gupta, •Senthilnathan Mohanan, Ulrich Herr, Zaoli Zhang, and Ute Kaiser
15:00 |
MA 15.51 |
Influence of ion bombardment induced patterning of exchange bias in pinned artificial ferrimagnets on the interlayer exchange coupling — Volker Höink, •Jan Schmalhorst, Günter Reiss, Tanja Weis, Dieter Engel, and Arno Ehresmann
15:00 |
MA 15.52 |
Blocking temperature distribution of magnetically diluted exchange biased systems — •Marian Fecioru-Morariu, Mohammad Reza Ghadimi, Bernd Beschoten, and Gernot Güntherodt
15:00 |
MA 15.53 |
Antiferromagnetic thickness dependence of exchange bias — •Shrawan Mishra, Florin Radu, Bernd Heitkamp, Jaime Sanchez-Barriga, Hermann Dürr, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
15:00 |
MA 15.54 |
Magnetization reversal processes in patterned exchange biased NiO/Ni and Fe/CoO layers — •Pablo Aßhoff, Florin Radu, Katharina Theis-Bröhl, and Hartmut Zabel
15:00 |
MA 15.55 |
Resonant magnetic x-ray reflectivity on Co/Cu/Co — •Valeriano Ferreras Paz, Sebastian Brück, Eberhard Goering, and Gisela Schütz
15:00 |
MA 15.56 |
Exchange bias in Fe/Cr bilayers — •Syed Rizwan Ali, Marian Fecioru-Morariu, Bilal Janjua, Coen Smits, and Gernot Güntherodt
15:00 |
MA 15.57 |
Current-driven domain walls in nanowires — •Benjamin Krüger, Daniela Pfannkuche, Markus Bolte, Guido Meier, and Ulrich Merkt
15:00 |
MA 15.58 |
Domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized (Co/Pt)n-multilayer-wires — •Christoph Hassel, Jan Rhensius, Theo Kleinefeld, Jürgen Lindner, and Günter Dumpich
15:00 |
MA 15.59 |
Stray Fields and Anisotropic Magnetoresistance of Domain Walls in Permalloy Nanowires — •Peter Lendecke, Hannah Ziehlke, René Eiselt, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:00 |
MA 15.60 |
Single shot measurement of current- and field-induced domain wall motion in a Permalloy nanowire — •Philipp Möhrke, Thomas Moore, Mathias Kläui, Dirk Backes, Laura Heyderman, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:00 |
MA 15.61 |
Spin waves in semi-circular Permalloy ring segments in the presence of domain walls — •Christian Sandweg, Helmut Schultheiss, Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Peter Andreas Beck, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:00 |
MA 15.62 |
Nonlinear spin dynamics and microwave assisted switching in nanostructured rings — •Jan Podbielski, Kristina Reckwell, and Dirk Grundler
15:00 |
MA 15.63 |
Spin-wave quantization in nanoscaled magnetic rings — •Sebastian Schäfer, Helmut Schultheiß, Patrizio Candeloro, Hans T. Nembach, Peter Andreas Beck, Britta Leven, Andrei N. Slavin, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:00 |
MA 15.64 |
Wellenlänge von Konzertina-Mustern in Permalloy-Schichten — •Holm Wieczoreck, Rudolf Schäfer, Jeffrey McCord, Ludwig Schultz, Jutta Steiner, Ruben Cantero-Alvarez, Antonio Capella und Felix Otto
15:00 |
MA 15.65 |
Magnetization dynamics of iron thin film triggered by photoconductive switches — •Zhao Wang, Anne Parge, Malte Scherff, Markus Münzenberg, and Mihail Ion Lepsa
15:00 |
MA 15.66 |
Charge and magnetization dynamics in correlated solids observed with THz time-domain spectroscopy — •Tobias Kampfrath, Jan Nötzold, Luca Perfetti, Christian Frischkorn, and Martin Wolf
15:00 |
MA 15.67 |
Magnetization dynamics in interlayer exchange coupled NiFe/Ru/NiFe thin films at high excitation amplitudes — •Tobias Martin, Mohamed Belmeguenai, Markus Maier, Georg Woltersdorf, and Günther Bayreuther
15:00 |
MA 15.68 |
Electronic control of magnetization in magnetic diluted quantum dots — Tobias Voigt, •Peter Moraczewski, and Daniela Pfannkuche
15:00 |
MA 15.69 |
Kerr microscopical investigations of domain wall dynamics in ultrathin trilayers of Pt/Co/Pt — •Jan Rhensius, Theo Kleinefeld, Wolfgang Kleemann, Jacques Ferré, Jean-Pierre Jamet, and Harry Bernas
15:00 |
MA 15.70 |
Ultrafast Demagnetization Probed by Femtosecond X-Ray Pulses — •Marko Wietstruk, Torsten Kachel, Niko Pontios, Christian Stamm, Hermann A. Dürr, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
15:00 |
MA 15.71 |
Spin structure investigations of domain walls in nanoscale constrictions — •Dirk Backes, Laura Heyderman, Christian David, Mathias Kläui, Friederike Junginger, Henri Ehrke, Ulrich Rüdiger, Caros Vaz, Tony Bland, Cheng-Shi Chen, Takeshi Kasama, and Rafal Dunin-Borkowski
15:00 |
MA 15.72 |
Room temperature magnetic order in proton irradiated graphite: latest results — •Kristian Schindler, Jose Barzola-Quiquia, Martin Rothermel, Annette Setzer, Pablo Esquinazi, and Tilman Butz
15:00 |
MA 15.73 |
Geometrically Confined Domain Walls — •Daniel Bedau, Mathias Kläui, Ulrich Rüdiger, Dirk Backes, and Laura Heyderman
15:00 |
MA 15.74 |
Preparation and characterization of periodic two-dimensional two-phase magnets — •Sven Schnittger, Sebastian Dreyer, Christian Jooss, and Sibylle Sievers
15:00 |
MA 15.75 |
Magnetization processes in highly coercive, epitaxial SmCo5 elements — •Volker Neu, Ulrike Wolff, Aarti Singh, Felix Fleischhauer, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
15:00 |
MA 15.76 |
Patterned Fe/Cr/Co spin valve structures — •Frank Brüssing, Gregor Nowak, Hartmut Zabel, and Katharina Theis-Bröhl
15:00 |
MA 15.77 |
Nanoscale surface ripples on ferromagnetic films with correlated magnetic — Kun Zhang, Frank Rotter, Michael Uhrmacher, Carsten Ronning, Hans Christian Hofsäss, Johann Krauser, and •Klaus Jesiek
15:00 |
MA 15.78 |
Structural and magnetic characterization of FePt films deposited onto SiO2 spherical particle arrays — •Christoph Brombacher, Denys Makarov, Mireille Maret, Fabiola Liscio, Guenter Schatz, and Manfred Albrecht
15:00 |
MA 15.79 |
Structural, magnetic and magneto-optical properties of novel nanocrystalline face centered cubic Co1-xCrx/Pt multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy — •Evangelos Papaioannou, Christoph Rüdt, Paul Fumagalli, Panagiotis Poulopoulos, Makis Angelakeris, and Nikolaos Flevaris
15:00 |
MA 15.80 |
Thermal Switching Behavior of Superparamagnetic Nanoislands: SP-STM on Fe/W(110) — •Gabriela Herzog, Stefan Krause, Luis Berbil-Bautista, Elena Vedmedenko, Matthias Bode, and Roland Wiesendanger
15:00 |
MA 15.81 |
Manipulating the dipolar magnetic interactions in FePt square arrays: The role of edge roughness — •Jonas Norpoth, Sebastian Dreyer, Christian Jooss, and Sibylle Sievers
15:00 |
MA 15.82 |
Magnetic multilayer films on template-assisted particle arrays — •Judith Moser, Vojko Kunej, Denis Makarov, Günther Schatz, Elke Scheer, and Manfred Albrecht
15:00 |
MA 15.83 |
Magnetism in confined geometry: Magnetic critical scattering of MnO nanoparticles — •Mikhail Feygenson, Werner Schweika, Serguei Vakhrushev, Alexander Ioffe, and Thomas Brückel
15:00 |
MA 15.84 |
Structural properties of magnetic Fe50Co50 alloy Clusters — •Furkan Bulut, R. Kerstin Gebhardt, Daniela Sudfeld, Joachim Bansmann, Armin Kleibert, and Mathias Getzlaff
15:00 |
MA 15.85 |
Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with pronounced shape anisotropy and characterisation via small angle x-ray scattering — •Frank Döbrich, Andreas Michels, and Rainer Birringer
15:00 |
MA 15.86 |
Magnetzation of NixPt1−x-Nanoparticles — •Ole Albrecht, Detlef Görlitz, Kirsten Ahrenstorf, and Horst Weller
15:00 |
MA 15.87 |
Synthesis of homo- and heterometallic two-layer nanoparticles as labels for magnetic biochips — •Nadezhda Kataeva, Sergey Pavlovich Gubin, Joerg Schotter, and Hubert Brückl
15:00 |
MA 15.88 |
Temperaturabhängige Magnetrelaxometrie an magnetischen Nanopartikeln im Temperaturbereich von 4 K bis 325 K — •Markus Büttner, Frank Schmidl, Thomas Müller, Stefan Prass, Michael Mans, Christoph Becker, Dimitri Berkov und Paul Seidel
15:00 |
MA 15.89 |
Quantitative Magnetic Imaging using Combined Magnetooptics and Magnetic Force Microscopy — •Sibylle Sievers, Sebastian Dreyer, Joachim Lüdke, Martin Albrecht, Uwe Siegner, and Christian Jooss
15:00 |
MA 15.90 |
Magnetic domain structures in [Co/Pt]/Ru multilayers studied by MFM in magnetic field — •Cristina Bran, Ulrike Wolff, Ludwig Schultz, and Volker Neu
15:00 |
MA 15.91 |
Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy applied to nanoscale Fe islands — •Dinesh Subramaniam, Marco Pratzer, and Markus Morgenstern
15:00 |
MA 15.92 |
Spin-resolved PEEM study of a single crystal Heusler alloy — •Ruslan Ovsyannikov, Florian Kronast, Andrei Gloskovskii, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, Hermann A. Dürr, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
15:00 |
MA 15.93 |
Heterogeneous mixed valence of a Sm/Gd(0001) monolayer revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy — •Daniel Wegner and Günter Kaindl
15:00 |
MA 15.94 |
Circular magnetic dichroism in x-ray absorption of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al and Co2FeSi(110) alloy films — •Michael Kallmayer, Horst Schneider, Andres Conca, Gerhard Jakob, Martin Jourdan, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Benjamin Balke, Andrei Gloskovskii, and Stefan Cramm
15:00 |
MA 15.95 |
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ultrathin epitaxial AuFe/Mo(110) films — •Andrei Kukunin, Jacek Prokop, and Hans Joachim Elmers
15:00 |
MA 15.96 |
Thickness dependent spin wave properties in ultrathin Fe films — •Yu Zhang, Wen Xin Tang, Ioan Tudosa, Jacek Prokop, and Jürgen Kirschner
15:00 |
MA 15.97 |
Transport properties of magnetic tunnel junctions with Co2MnSi electrode: influence of temperature-dependent interface magnetization and electronic band structure — •Jan Schmalhorst, Andy Thomas, Oliver Schebaum, Daniel Ebke, Marc Sacher, Andreas Hütten, Andrej Turchanin, Armin Gölzhäuser, Elke Arenholz, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 15.98 |
Chemical and magnetic interface properties of tunnel junctions with Co2MnSi / Co2FeSi multilayer electrode — •Daniel Ebke, Jan Schmalhorst, Marc Sacher, Ning-Ning Liu, Andy Thomas, Andreas Hütten, Elke Arenholz, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 15.99 |
Absence of ferromagnetism in V-implanted ZnO single crystals — •Shengqiang Zhou, Kay Potzger, Helfried Reuther, Karsten Kuepper, Wolfgang Skorupa, Manfred Helm, and Juergen Fassbender
15:00 |
MA 15.100 |
Magnetic and structural properties of Co-implanted ZnO films — •Numan Akdogan, Alexei Nefedov, Werner Becker, Rustam Khaibullin, Lenar Tagirov, and Hartmut Zabel
15:00 |
MA 15.101 |
Growth and properties of Fe3O4(111) thin films on ZnO* — •Andrea Boger, Jürgen Simon, Andreas Brandlmaier, Matthias Opel, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Werner Mader, and Rudolf Gross
15:00 |
MA 15.102 |
Magnetic and electronic properties of half-metallic ferromagnetic Mn-stabilised zirconia — •Igor Maznichenko, Arthur Ernst, Lars Bergqvist, Sergey Ostanin, Leonid Sandratskii, Patrick Bruno, Markus Däne, Ian Hughes, Julie Staunton, Wolfram Hergert, Ingrid Mertig, and Josef Kudrnovsky
15:00 |
MA 15.103 |
Exchange constants in Mn doped Ge and GaAs: a first principles study of the environment effects — •Marjana Ležaić, Silvia Picozzi, Phivos Mavropoulos, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Stefan Blügel
15:00 |
MA 15.104 |
Spin-Pump-Effekt in Co/Cu/Py Pillars untersucht mit ferromagnetischer Resonanz — •Oliver Posth, Jürgen Lindner und Günter Dumpich
15:00 |
MA 15.105 |
Bulk sensitive HX-PES study of chemically etched Ga1−xMnxAs — •Andreas Müller, Benjamin Schmid, Michael Sing, Jan Wenisch, Karl Brunner, Laurens Molenkamp, Wolfgang Drube, and Ralph Claessen
15:00 |
MA 15.106 |
Transport properties of ion-implanted ferromagnetic SnO2:Co from van-der-Pauw measurements — •Ali Awada, Dirk Menzel, Joachim Schoenes, Frank Ludwig, and Meinhard Schilling
15:00 |
MA 15.107 |
Chemical and magnetic interface properties of Co-Fe-B / MgO / Co-Fe-B tunnel junctions — •Jan Schmalhorst, Xinli Kou, Andy Thomas, Elke Arenholz, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 15.108 |
High TMR ratio in Fe/MgO/Fe junctions with even one atomic Fe layer — Christian Heiliger, Martin Gradhand, •Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
15:00 |
MA 15.109 |
Magnetic tunnel transistor with epitaxial FeCo/Au/FeCo base — •Alexander Spitzer, Julien Vigroux, and Günther Bayreuther
15:00 |
MA 15.110 |
Ferromagnetic multiband Kondo lattice model — •Anand Sharma and Wolfgang Nolting
15:00 |
MA 15.111 |
Disordered Correlated Kondo-lattice model — •Vadym Bryksa and Wolfgang Nolting
15:00 |
MA 15.112 |
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of 5d-transition-metal chains — •Alexander Thieß, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Stefan Heinze
15:00 |
MA 15.113 |
Spin-wave excitations from time-dependent density-functional theory — Manfred Niesert, •Arno Schindlmayr, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
15:00 |
MA 15.114 |
Numerical investigation of geometrically confined domain walls and spin torque using the Heisenberg model — •C. Schieback, U. Nowak, M. Kläui, D. Backes, L. J. Heydermann, F. Junginger, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, U. Rüdiger, and P. Nielaba
15:00 |
MA 15.115 |
Evolution of magnetization from the vortex state in soft magnetic square platelets — Manfred Wolf, •Ulrich K. Rößler, and Rudolf Schäfer
15:00 |
MA 15.116 |
Current-induced magnetic vortex core reversal in a permalloy nanodisk — •Yaowen Liu, R. Hertel, and Claus M. Schneider
15:00 |
MA 15.117 |
Noncollinear magnetic order in transition-metal nanowires — •Michael Czerner, Bogdan Yu. Yavorsky, Laszlo Szunyogh, and Ingrid Mertig
15:00 |
MA 15.118 |
Thermal Expansion and Thermal Transport in NdMnO3 and TbMnO3 — •Kai Berggold, Thomas Lorenz, Jörg Baier, John Mydosh, Dennis Meier, Joachim Hemberger, and Dimitri Argyriou
15:00 |
MA 15.119 |
Magnetic field dependent structure of TbFe3(BO3)4 resolved by x-ray diffraction — •Martin Philipp, Olga Kataeva, Christian Hess, Rüdiger Klingeler, Natalia Tristan, Bernd Büchner, Martin von Zimmermann, Alexander Vasiliev, and Elena Popova
15:00 |
MA 15.120 |
Spin-flop transition in uniaxial antiferromagnets — •Alexei N. Bogdanov, Alexander V. Zhuravlev, and Ulrich K. Rößler
15:00 |
MA 15.121 |
Crystal structure and magnetic fluctuations in La1−xA xCoO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) — •Thomas Finger, Marco Reuther, Daniel Senff, Matthias Cwik, Thomas Lorenz, Klaudia Hradil, Anatoliy Senychyn, and Markus Braden
15:00 |
MA 15.122 |
Static Characterization of the Antiferromagnetic-To-Ferromagnetic Phase Transition of FeRh Thin Films — •Paul Ramm, Ilie Radu, Alexander Weber, Christian Back, Christian Stamm, Torsten Kachel, Niko Pontius, Hermann Dürr, Jörg Raabe, Christoph Quitmann, Luiic Joly, and Jan-Ulrich Thiele
15:00 |
MA 15.123 |
Structural properties of PrB6 — •Matthias Bleckmann, Desmond McMorrow, Helen Walker, Danny Mannix, Je-Geun Park, Seongsu Lee, and Keith McEwen
15:00 |
MA 15.124 |
Frustrated Ising- and Heisenberg-type Spin Systems on a Hexagonal Lattice — Carsten Olbrich, •Tim Kunze, Sibylle Gemming, Klaus Morawetz, and Michael Schreiber
15:00 |
MA 15.125 |
Magnetic phases in Y_xCa_1-xMnO_3 — •Uwe Amann, Clemens Ritter, Dietmar Hohlwein, Andreas Pfrommer, and Jörg Ihringer
15:00 |
MA 15.126 |
Ab Initio Calculations of Exchange Interactions in Transition Metal Oxides — •Guntram Fischer, Arthur Ernst, Markus Däne, Wolfram Hergert, Martin Lüders, Zdzislawa Szotek, and Walter Temmerman
15:00 |
MA 15.127 |
Colossal magnetostriction and spin-driven phonon splitting in bond-frustrated Cr-spinels — •Joachim Hemberger, Torsten Rudolf, Christian Kant, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Andrei Pimenov, Vladimir Tsurkan, and Alois Loidl
15:00 |
MA 15.128 |
The multiferroic phases of (Eu:Y)MnO3 — •Florian Schrettle, Joachim Hemberger, Andrei Pimenov, Peter Lunkenheimer, Vseva Ivanov, Alexander Mukhin, Anatoli Balbashov, and Alois Loidl
15:00 |
MA 15.129 |
Electronic and magnetic structure of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) doped with Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni: A DFT study — Martin Sieberer, Josef Redinger, and •Peter Mohn
15:00 |
MA 15.130 |
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the ThxY1−xCo4B intermetallic compounds — •Diana Benea, Viorel Pop, and Olivier Isnard
15:00 |
MA 15.131 |
Investigation of high-k materials RScO3 (R=Sm,Gd,Dy) by XPS and band structure calculations — •M. Raekers, S. Bartkowski, K. Kuepper, S. Zhou, K. Potzger, A. Postnikov, R. Uecker, and M. Neumann
15:00 |
MA 15.132 |
Heat conduction in spin-gap antiferromagnets — Igor Smiljanić, •Ante Bilušić, Ana Smontara, Helmuth Berger, and László Forró
15:00 |
MA 15.133 |
Calculation of interface properties for Heusler compounds — •Andrey Beznogov and Peter Entel
15:00 |
MA 15.134 |
Thermodynamic properties of intermetallic ternary rare-earth compounds — •J. Rohrkamp, O. Heyer, H. Hartmann, T. Lorenz, J. Mydosh, R. Pöttgen, and T. Fickenscher
15:00 |
MA 15.135 |
Crystal structure and physical properties of Eu4Pd29B8 and YbNi7B3 borides — Igor Veremchuk, •Roman Gumeniuk, Andreas Leithe-Jasper, Walter Schnelle, Yuri Prots, and Yuri Grin
15:00 |
MA 15.136 |
Investigation of the valence states of Fe1−xCuxCr2S4 by X-ray absorption spectroscopy — •C. Taubitz, M. Raekers, V. Tsurkan, and M. Neumann
15:00 |
MA 15.137 |
Dielectric and thermodynamic properties of — •Norman Leps, Janet Leschner, Andrei Sotnikov, Dmitri Souptel, Sang-Wook Cheong, Rüdiger Klingeler, Christian Hess, Natalia Tristan, and Bernd Büchner
15:00 |
MA 15.138 |
Magnetic properties of the tetragonal Mn3−xGa (0≤x≤1) system — •Jürgen Winterlik, Benjamin Balke, Gerhard H. Fecher, and Claudia Felser
15:00 |
MA 15.139 |
Single crystal growth and physical properties of ErPd2Si2 intermetallic compound — •Chongde Cao, Günter Behr, Wolfgang Löser, Irina Mazilu, E.V. Sampathkumaran, and Bernd Büchner
15:00 |
MA 15.140 |
Temperature driven spin reorientation transition in thin films — •Fritz Körmann, Stefan Schwieger, Jochen Kienert, and Wolfgang Nolting
15:00 |
MA 15.141 |
Magnetic anisotropy of Fe1−xCox(110) on GaAs(110) — •Björn Muermann, Matthias Sperl, Alexander Spitzer, and Günther Bayreuther
15:00 |
MA 15.142 |
Magnetfeldsteuerbarer magnetischer Widerstand — •Robert Jäger und Marc Jäger
15:00 |
MA 15.143 |
Using a highly sensitive TMR sensor array for the detection of moving biomolecules — •Camelia Albon, Sascha Walkenhorst, Simone Herth, Michael Schilling, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 15.144 |
Das Swiss-cross-Helmholtz-Design für großvolumige Permanent-Magnet-Anordnungen: vielfältige Zugangsmöglichkeiten und gute Homogenität — •Holger Stork, Manuel Ross, Achim Gädke und Nikolaus Nestle
15:00 |
MA 15.145 |
Detection of superparamagnetic nanoparticles with AlOx magnetic tunnel junctions and development of hysteresis free MgO via shape anisotropy — •Sascha Walkenhorst, Michael Schilling, Simone Herth, Andreas Hütten, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
MA 15.146 |
Spin-wave theory for magnetic molecules — •Roman Schnalle and Jürgen Schnack
15:00 |
MA 15.147 |
Magnetic properties of homo- [Ni(II)4] and heterotetranuclear [Fe(III)2Cu(II)2] high-spin molecular complexes — •Christian Golze, Rüdiger Klingeler, Bernd Büchner, Vladislav Kataev, Michel Goiran, Jean M. Broto, Harison Rakoto, Berthold Kersting, and Phalguni Chaudhuri
15:00 |
MA 15.148 |
Inelastic neutron scattering studies of two Mn(III)-based Single Molecule Magnets — •Oliver Pieper, Joris van Slageren, Tatiana Guidi, Bella Lake, Hannu Mutka, Margarita Russina, Alexander Schnegg, Alexandra Buchsteiner, Constantinos J. Milios, Euan K. Brechin, and Anna Julia
15:00 |
MA 15.149 |
Magnetism of the single molecule magnet system [(MnIIL2)3MnII](BF4)2 — •Manuel Prinz, Sebastian Voget, Niklas Damnik, Michael Raekers, Karsten Kuepper, Phalguni Chaudhuri, Simon George, Marin Coldea, and Manfred Neumann
15:00 |
MA 15.150 |
Molecular magnetism of metallo-supramolecular hierarchically ordered materials consisting of mixtures from different transition metal ions — •M. Lommel, U. Pietsch, G. Schwarz, D. G. Kurth, Y. Bodenthin, W. Haase, and Z. Tomkowicz
15:00 |
MA 15.151 |
Magnetic and electronic properties of the transition metal containing polyoxotungstate — •Niklas Damnik, Manuel Prinz, Albert Takács, Jürgen Schnack, Ulrich Kortz, Istvan Balasz, Emil Burzo, and Manfred Neumann
15:00 |
MA 15.152 |
EPR and magnetic susceptibility investigations on Cu(II)-bis(oxamato) complexes — •Björn Bräuer, Tobias Rüffer, Dietrich Zahn, Georgeta Salvan, Dante Gatteschi, Andrea Caneschi, Maria Fittipaldi, and Federico Totti
15:00 |
MA 15.153 |
Characterization of Magnetic Structure in NiMnGa Alloys by Means of Lorentz Electron Microscopy and Electron Holography — •Karin Vogel, Dorin Geiger, Hannes Lichte, Werner Skrotzki, Robert Chulist, Uwe Gaitzsch, Martin Pötschke, Stefan Roth, and Andrea Böhm
15:00 |
MA 15.154 |
Phenomenological models for magnetic shape memory materials — •Ulrich K. Rößler, Nicloai S. Kiselev, Igor E. Dragunov, and Alexei N. Bogdanov
15:00 |
MA 15.155 |
MBE-thin film growth of NiMn-based magnetic shape memory alloys — •Ralf Hassdorf, Jürgen Feydt, and Michael Moske
15:00 |
MA 15.156 |
Towards phase-field modelling of magnetically induced microstructure evolution Towards phase-field modelling of *magnetically induced microstructure evolution — •Britta Nestler