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SYOE: Symposium Organic Thin Film Electronics: From Molecular Contacts to Devices
SYOE 8: Poster Session SYOE
SYOE 8.4: Poster
Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 18:00–20:00, Poster B
Measurement of charge transport through a polymer in a molecular junction at a solid-liquid interface — •Stefan Eilers1, Frank Dierschke2, Klaus Müllen2, and Jürgen Rabe1 — 1Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany — 2Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz, Germany
The charge transport in molecules is essential for future applications in molecular electronics. Here, charge transport measurements on a metal-polymer-metal-system are presented. For the measurement gold electrodes, which are produced by electron beam lithography with a gap of 50 nm, are applied. Chains of polycarbazole, longer than 100 nm, are used to bridge the gap. The polymer is adsorbed from solution partly onto the electrodes and onto the substrate between the electrodes. I-V-characteristics are measured. Asymmetric characteristics are obtained potentially due to non-symmetric arrangement and adsorption of the polymer between the electrodes. The characteristics can be described by a model which treats the polymer as a resistor with a voltage dependent conductance and which takes into account the particular interfaces of the junction as barriers