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SYOE: Symposium Organic Thin Film Electronics: From Molecular Contacts to Devices

SYOE 8: Poster Session SYOE

Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 18:00–20:00, Poster B

18:00 SYOE 8.1 Controlling the shape of Nanogaps for single molecular contacts manufactured by directed Electromigration — •Victor Marinov, Arne Hoppe, and Veit Wagner
18:00 SYOE 8.2 Chemical Bonding and Charge Distribution at Metallic and Molecular Nanocontacts — •Cosima Schuster and Udo Schwingenschlögl
18:00 SYOE 8.3 Electrostatic trapping of individual polymer molecules between microfabricated electrodes — •Aleksandar Ivanov, Arne Hoppe, Jürgen Fritz, and Veit Wagner
18:00 SYOE 8.4 Measurement of charge transport through a polymer in a molecular junction at a solid-liquid interface — •Stefan Eilers, Frank Dierschke, Klaus Müllen, and Jürgen Rabe
18:00 SYOE 8.5 Two–Photon Photoemission Spectra of Heterogeneous Electron Transfer — •Dmitry Tsivlin, Lars Gundlach, Frank Willig, and Volkhard May
18:00 SYOE 8.6 Quantum chemical calculations of PTCDA and NTCDA adsorbates on Ag(110) — •A. Abbasi, R. Scholz, and M. Schreiber
18:00 SYOE 8.7 Structural properties and scanning tunneling data of a monolayer of PTCDA on the Ag(111) surface — •Michael Rohlfing
18:00 SYOE 8.8 X-ray studies of structure and crystallinity of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) — •Siddharth Joshi, Souren Grigorian, Ullrich Pietsch, Achmad Zen, and Dieter Neher
18:00 SYOE 8.9 Electrical Conduction in Semiconducting Thin Films of (Partially) Fluorinated Phthalocyanines — •Harry Brinkmann, Christian Kelting, Olga Tsaryova, Dieter Wöhrle, and Derck Schlettwein
18:00 SYOE 8.10 Structural and electronic properties of highly ordered CuPc thin films on differently passivated vicinal silicon surfaces — •Gianina Gavrila, Teodor Toader, Stefan Seifert, Walter Braun, and Dietrich Zahn
18:00 SYOE 8.11 Ballistic Electron Transport through titanylphthalocyanine films — •Soner Özcan, Jürgen Smoliner, Max Andrews, Gottfried Strasser, Thomas Dienel, Robert Franke, and Torsten Fritz
18:00 SYOE 8.12 Experimental measurements and calculations of electronic structure of organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine — •Olga Molodtsova, Victor Aristov, Volodymyr Maslyuk, Denis Vyalikh, Victor Zhilin, Yurii Ossipyan, Thomas Bredow, Ingrid Mertig, and Martin Knupfer
18:00 SYOE 8.13 Chemistry and electronic properties of metal-organic semiconductor interfaces: Fe and Co on CuPc — •Victor Aristov, Olga Molodtsova, Yurii Ossipyan, Bryan Doyle, Stefano Nannarone, and Martin Knupfer
18:00 SYOE 8.14 Engineering of the energy level alignment in silicon/organic and silicon/metal heterostructures by methyl-termination of Si(111) — •Ralf Hunger, Bengt Jäckel, Taek Lim, Tetsuya Osaka, Daisuke Niwa, Lauren Webb, Nathan Lewis, and Wolfram Jaegermann
18:00 SYOE 8.15 Investigation of interlayers at the organic-metal interface by laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry — •Sebastian Scholz, Qiang Huang, Karsten Walzer, and Karl Leo
18:00 SYOE 8.16 The effect of fluorination on pentacene/Au interface energetics and charge reorganization energy — •Antje Vollmer, Steffen Duhm, Youichi Sakamoto, Toshiyasu Suzuki, and Norbert Koch
18:00 SYOE 8.17 Electronic structure of the organic semiconductor blend C60/CuPc — •Andreas Opitz, Markus Bronner, Wolfgang Brütting, Marcel Himmerlich, Juergen A. Schaefer, and Stefan Krischok
18:00 SYOE 8.18 Study of reactions at the interface P(VDF/TrFE)/Al and P(VDF/TrFE)/PEDOT:PSS — •Dipankar Mandal, Klaus Mueller, Olaf Seifarth, Patrick Hoffman, Karsten Henkel, and Dieter Schmeisser
18:00 SYOE 8.19 Ballistic Electron Transport through titanylphthalocyanine films — •Soner Özcan, Jürgen Smoliner, Max Andrews, Gottfried Strasser, Thomas Dienel, Robert Franke, and Torsten Fritz
18:00 SYOE 8.20 Investigation of the charge carrier injection in pentacene transistors with modified contacts — •Peter Nill, Norbert Koch, and Jens Pflaum
18:00 SYOE 8.21 Improved sheet conductance in pentacene field-effect transistors using thiol and selenol modified electrodes — •Claudia Bock, Duy Vu Pham, Ulrich Kunze, Daniel Käfer, Gregor Witte, and Christof Wöll
18:00 SYOE 8.22 Contact resistances in organic field effect transistors — •Nicolas Spethmann, Elizabeth von Hauff, and Jürgen Parisi
18:00 SYOE 8.23 Initial growth of evaporated copper phthalocyanine thin-films - — •Biswas Indro, Peisert Heiko, Nagel Mathias, Casu Maria Benedetta, Schuppler Stefan, Nagel Peter, Pellegrin Eric, and Chassé Thomas
18:00 SYOE 8.24 Conductivity of transparent Indium-Tin-Oxide-nanoparticle/polymer composite layers — •Norman Mechau, Anna Prodi-Schwab, and Roland Schmechel
18:00 SYOE 8.25 Growth of sexithiophene (6T) films studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy — •L.D. Sun, S. Berkebile, G. Weidlinger, G. Koller, F.P. Netzer, M.G. Ramsey, M. Hohage, and P. Zeppenfeld
18:00 SYOE 8.26 Para-sexiphenyl thin films grown on KCl(001) substratesAndrei Andreev, Gerardo Sosa, Thomas Haber, Andrey Kadashchuk, •Gregor Hlawacek, Roland Resel, Helmut Sitter, Serdar Sariciftci, and Christian Teichert
18:00 SYOE 8.27 structural and electrical properties of poly(3-octylthiophene) films: a scanning probe microscopy studyjose abad, beatriz perez-garcia, elisa palacios-lidon, antonio urbina, and •jaime colchero
18:00 SYOE 8.28 A flexible approach to the fabrication of chemical gradients using functional monomolecular films — •Nirmalya Ballav, Andrey Shaporenko, Andreas Terfort, and Michael Zharnikov
18:00 SYOE 8.29 Why a switch doesn't switch - a case study on stilbene on Si(100) — •Philipp Martin Schmidt, Karsten Horn, and Thorsten Kampen
18:00 SYOE 8.30 Intermolecular interaction in PTCDA, NTCDA, and NDCA as determined by comparative gas phase and thin film photoemission spectroscopy — •Jens Sauther, Jens Wüsten, Stefan Lach, and Christiane Ziegler
18:00 SYOE 8.31 Morphology and OFET properties of poly(3,3”’-didodecyl-[2,2’:5’,2”:5”,2”’]-quaterthiophene) (PQT-12) with different molecular weights — •Patrick Pingel, Achmad Zen, Burkhard Stiller, Dieter Neher, Sybille Allard, and Ullrich Scherf
18:00 SYOE 8.32 Structure and Morphology of Highly Ordered Organic Films of PTCDI-C8 on SiO2 — •Tobias Krauss, Esther Barrena, Dimas Garcia de Oteyza, Xue Na Zhang, János Major, Volker Dehm, Frank Würthner, and Helmut Dosch
18:00 SYOE 8.33 Raman characterization of vacuum-deposited thin TiOPc films: influence of applied electric field and temperature on polymorphism and orientation — •Britt-Elfriede Schuster, Heiko Peisert, and Thomas Chassé
18:00 SYOE 8.34 Tuning the molecular organization in organic heterostructures — •Claudia Weis, Esther Barrena, Dimas Garcia de Oteyza, Xue Na Zhang, and Helmut Dosch
18:00 SYOE 8.35 Evolution of structure and morphology of perylene films with different thicknesses and deposition rates — •Maryam Beigmohamadi, Phenwisa Niyamakom, Azadeh Farahzadi, Stephan Kremers, Christian Effertz, Philip Schulz, Thomas Michely, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 SYOE 8.36 Highly ordered phthalocyanine films on polycrystalline gold foil - on the — •Biswas Indro, Schuster Britt-Elfriede, Peisert Heiko, Nagel Mathias, Casu Maria Benedetta, Schuppler Stefan, Nagel Peter, Pellegrin Eric, and Chassé Thomas
18:00 SYOE 8.37 Interface Morphology Snapshots of Vertically Segregated Thin Films of Semiconducting Polymer / Polystyrene Blends — •Jakob Heier, Fernando Castro, and Roland Hany
18:00 SYOE 8.38 Structure and unusual thermal behaviour of a prototype organic semiconductor (Diindenoperylene) — •Bernd Maier, Jörg Ihringer, and Frank Schreiber
18:00 SYOE 8.39 High charge carrier mobility in organic semiconductor diphenylanthracene (DPA) — •Ashutosh Tripathi and Jens Pflaum
18:00 SYOE 8.40 Tunneling in organic thin films — •Kerstin Keller, Florian Roth, and Michael Huth
18:00 SYOE 8.41 Investigation on thin films of new substituted quarterthiophene — •Kinga Zelenetskaya, Evelin Jähne, Hans-Jürgen Adler, Christian Loppacher, Lukas Eng, Jörg Grenzer, and Andrea Scholz
18:00 SYOE 8.42 Skew crystal optics: Optical properties of pentacene probed by generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry — •Daniel Faltermeier, Bruno Gompf, Martin Dressel, Mathias Schubert, Ashutosh Tripathi, and Jens Pflaum
18:00 SYOE 8.43 Interplay of chain geometry and quantum coherence in a conjugated polymer — •E. Da Como, K. Becker, J. M. Lupton, and J. Feldmann
18:00 SYOE 8.44 Correlation between the topography and the optical properties of rubrene single crystals — •Rainer Stöhr, Gareth Beirne, Peter Michler, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Jens Pflaum
18:00 SYOE 8.45 Optical characterization of pentacene thin films by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry — •Alexander Hinderhofer, Ute Heinemeyer, Stefan Kowarik, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
18:00 SYOE 8.46 Optical Properties of Pentacene and Tetracene Thin-Films and Single Crystals — •Daniel Faltermeier, Bruno Gompf, Martin Dressel, Ashutosh Tripathi, and Jens Pflaum
18:00 SYOE 8.47 Novel Fullerene Derivatives for Polymer Solar Cells — •Joachim A. Renz, Julia M. Mayorova, Pavel A. Troshin, Svetlana M. Peregudova, Alexander S. Peregudov, Rimma N. Lyubovskaya, Gerhard Gobsch, and Harald Hoppe
18:00 SYOE 8.48 Formation of metallic indium-phase from indium tin oxide-nanoparticles under reducing conditions and its influence on the electrical properties — •Gerrit Günther, Gabi Schierning, Ralf Theissmann, Robert Kruk, Charsten Bähtz, and Roland Schmechel
18:00 SYOE 8.49 Influence of chamber pressure and deposition rate on structural properties and surface morphology of amorphous OVPD processed films — •Phenwisa Niyamakom, Maryam Beigmohamadi, Azadeh Farahzadi, Frank Jessen, Holger Kalisch, Rolf Jansen, Nico Meyer, Dietmar Keiper, Martin Kunat, Michael Heuken, Christian Effertz, Philip Schulz, Holger Schwab, Thomas Michely, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 SYOE 8.50 Systematic studies on the morphology of OVPD processed films upon substrate temperature and deposition rate — •Azadeh Farahzadi, Phenwisa Niyamakom, Maryam Beigmohamadi, Chritian Effertz, Nico Meyer, Dietmar Keiper, Michael Heuken, Holger Schwab, Mohammad Reza Rahimi Tabar, Thomas Michely, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 SYOE 8.51 Phase separation in vacuum co-deposited pentacene/6,13-pentacenequinone thin films — •Ingo Salzmann, Ricarda Opitz, Siegfried Rogaschewski, Jürgen Rabe, Norbert Koch, and Bert Nickel
18:00 SYOE 8.52 Utilization of pentacene as a photoactivator and an exciton transporter in organic solar cells — •Ziruo Hong, Bert Maennig, Martin Pfeiffer, and Karl Leo
18:00 SYOE 8.53 Efficient Platform for Characterisation and Data Analysis of Organic Solar Cells — •Moritz K. Riede, Markus Glatthaar, Michael Niggemann, Kristian O. Sylvester-Hvid, Tobias Ziegler, Birger Zimmermann, Andreas W. Liehr, Andreas Gombert, and Gerhard Willeke
18:00 SYOE 8.54 Anticorrelation between exciplex emission and photovoltaic efficiency in PPV polymer based solar cells — •chunhong yin, Thomas Kietzke, Dieter Neher, and Hans-Heinrich Hörhold
18:00 SYOE 8.55 Electronic transport properties of self-assembled thin films of inorganic nanoparticles and polymers — •Rolf Kniprath and Stefan Kirstein
18:00 SYOE 8.56 Serial Interconnection of Polymer Solar Cells: Design Rules towards Photovoltaic Modules — •Burhan Muhsin, Joachim Renz, Gerhard Gobsch, and Harald Hoppe
18:00 SYOE 8.57 Hybrid Solar Cells based on Crystalline TiO2 Nanoparticles — •Beate Reinhold, Markus Niederberger, Dieter Neher, and Markus Antonietti
18:00 SYOE 8.58 Anticorrelation between exciplex emission and photovoltaic efficiency in PPV polymer based solar cells — •chunhong yin, Thomas Kietzke, Dieter Neher, and Hans-Heinrich Hörhold
18:00 SYOE 8.59 Dye sensitized solar cells based on novel bipolar spiro compoundsCherubin Noumissing Sao, Kristian Onken, Tobat P. I. Saragi, and •Josef Salbeck
18:00 SYOE 8.60 Transparent conducting oxides deposited on plastic substrates and organic semiconductors — •Petr Nozar, Luca Milana, Riccardo Lotti, Eugenio Lunedei, and Carlo Taliani
18:00 SYOE 8.61 Optical Simulation of Organic Solar Cells With ZnO:Al Optical Spacers — •Volker Lorrmann, Daniel Rauh, Carsten Deibel, Vladimir Dyakonov, and Ingo Riedel
18:00 SYOE 8.62 Comparison of different anode materials in efficient small molecule organic solar cells — •Kerstin Schulze, Bert Männig, Martin Pfeiffer, Karl Leo, Yuto Tomita, Christian May, Eduard Brier, Egon Reinold, and Peter Bäuerle
18:00 SYOE 8.63 Investigation of organic heterojunction solar cells by photo-induced absorption — •Toni Müller, Rico Schüppel, Bert Männig, Michael Hoffmann, and Karl Leo
18:00 SYOE 8.64 Infrared Light from organic light emitting diodes — •Thomas Rosenow, Karsten Walzer, and Karl Leo
18:00 SYOE 8.65 Simulation of Phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diodes — •Oliver Weiß, Fryderyk Kozlowski, Arvid Hunze, and Heinz von Seggern
18:00 SYOE 8.66 Materials and Structures for Future Organic Laser Diodes — •Bodo Wallikewitz, Matthias de la Rosa, Dirk Hertel, and Klaus Meerholz
18:00 SYOE 8.67 Revealing the Dynamics in Polymer-based Optoelectronic Devices — •Sebastian Bange, Andrew Kuksov, and Dieter Neher
18:00 SYOE 8.68 Degradation of PVK-based electrophosphorescent devices — •Andriy Kuksov, Xiaohui Yang, and Dieter Neher
18:00 SYOE 8.69 New electron acceptor material for organic hole transport materials — •Ralf Krause, Günter Schmid, Stefan Seidel, Arvid Hunze, and Albrecht Winnacker
18:00 SYOE 8.70 High efficient white Organic Light Emitting Diodes — •Stefan Seidel, Ralf Krause, Fryderyk Kozlowski, Günter Schmid, Arvid Hunze, and Albrecht Winnacker
18:00 SYOE 8.71 Multimode spontaneous emission of optically confined organic photonic dots — •Maik Langner, Clemens Schriever, Robert Gehlhaar, Hartmut Fröb, Vadim G. Lyssenko, and Karl Leo
18:00 SYOE 8.72 Magnetoresistance in organic semiconductors — •Ulrich Niedermeier, Michael Vieth, Wiebke Sarfert, Manfred Rührig, Ralph Pätzold, and Heinz von Seggern
18:00 SYOE 8.73 Simulation of Light Extraction from OLEDs — •Nils A. Reinke, Michael Hutzel, Christian Bergner, Stefan Nowy, and Wolfgang Brütting
18:00 SYOE 8.74 Charge transport and triplet quenching in conjugated polymers — •Dirk Hertel and Klaus Meerholz
18:00 SYOE 8.75 Hole transport in solution processed multi layer devices — •Angeles Pitarch, Dirk Hertel, and Klaus Meerholz
18:00 SYOE 8.76 Thick Multilayer Devices for Potential Organic Laser Diodes — •Bodo Wallikewitz, Matthias de la Rosa, Dirk Hertel, and Klaus Meerholz
18:00 SYOE 8.77 Inverted OLED based on RT Pulsed Plasma Deposition of IMO top-anode — •Eugenio Lunedei, Yiqiang Zhan, Valentin Dediu, Peter Nozar, and Carlo Taliani
18:00 SYOE 8.78 Characterization of Large Area Organic Photodetectors on Flexible Substrates — •Sandro Tedde, Edgar Zaus, Tobias Rauch, Jens Fürst, and Paolo Lugli
18:00 SYOE 8.79 Annealing Studies on Organic Photodetectors using Impedance Spectroscopy — •Edgar Zaus, Sandro Tedde, Tobias Rauch, Jens Fürst, and Gottfried Döhler
18:00 SYOE 8.80 Determination of charge carrier mobility in poly(3-hexylthiophene) with different current transient measurement techniques — •Andreas Baumann, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 SYOE 8.81 Investigation of the non-linearity in Output Characteristics of Organic Field-Effect Transistors — •Andrei Herasimovich, Susanne Scheinert, and Ingo Hörselmann
18:00 SYOE 8.82 Bipolaron Mechanism for Hysteresis in Organic Field-Effect Devices — •Gernot Paasch and Susanne Scheinert
18:00 SYOE 8.83 Current Transport Mechanism in a Pentacene Diode with a Tunneling Contact revealed by Numerical Simulation — •Thomas Lindner, Gernot Paasch, Christof Wöll, Lars Ruppel, Alexander Birkner, Gregor Witte, and Carsten Busse
18:00 SYOE 8.84 Localized charge transfer between a molecular acceptor and polymer donorsKue Surk Park, •Jörn-Oliver Vogel, Dessislava Sainova, Silvia Janietz, Jürgen Rabe, and Norbert Koch
18:00 SYOE 8.85 Influence of contact effects on the performance of printed pentacene Thin Film Transistors — •Amare Benor and Dietmar Knipp
18:00 SYOE 8.86 Frequency response of transconductance on OFETs with different source/drain contacts — •Ingo Hörselmann, Andrei Herasimovich, and Susanne Scheinert
18:00 SYOE 8.87 Nanoscale Organic Field-effect Transistors based on P3HT with switching frequencies above one Megahertz — •Arne Hoppe, Paul Wöbkenberg, Jörg Seekamp, and Veit Wagner
18:00 SYOE 8.88 Organic field effect transistors with rubrene — •Thomas Diekmann, Soraja Bondi-Fernandez, and Ulrich Hilleringmann
18:00 SYOE 8.89 Temperature and Gate-Voltage Dependent Field Effect Mobility of the Conjugated Polymer Poly(3-Hexyl Thiophene) — •Maria Hammer, Julia Schafferhans, Ingo Riedel, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 SYOE 8.90 Tuning the threshold voltage of organic field-effect transistors by an electret encapsulating layerMichael Scharnberg, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, •Rainer Adelung, Franz Faupel, Christoph Pannemann, Thomas Diekmann, and Ulrich Hilleringmann
18:00 SYOE 8.91 Organische Feldeffekttransistoren auf flexiblen Substraten — •Stefan Richter, Matthias Plötner, Wolf-Joachim Fischer, Xuan-Dung Dang und Waldfried Plieth
18:00 SYOE 8.92 Organic Thin Film Transistor Based Sensors with Chemically Reactive Interfacial Layers — •Peter Pacher, A. Lex, V. Proschek, O. Werzer, P. Frank, S. Temmel, E. Tchernychova, M. Szezen, G. Hlawacek, Q. Shen, C. Teichert, W. Grogger, R. Resel, R. Schennach, A. Winkler, C. Slugovc, G. Trimmel, and E. Zojer
18:00 SYOE 8.93 Hysteresis in Bio-Organic Field-Effect Transistors — •Stadler Philipp, Birendra Singh, Reinhard Schwoediauer, Siegfried Bauer, James Grote, and Serdar Sariciftci
18:00 SYOE 8.94 Polyvinylalcohol Dielectrics in Metal-Insulator-Metal, Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor and Organic Field Effect Transistor Structures — •Martin Egginger, Mihai Irimia-Vladu, Reinhard Schwödiauer, Andreas Tanda, Siegfried Bauer, and N. Serdar Sariciftci
18:00 SYOE 8.95 Influence of dielectric surface modification on perylene thin-film properties and OTFT performance — •Christian Effertz, Maryam Beigmohamadi, Phenwisa Niyamakom, Azadeh Farahzadi, Philip Schulz, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 SYOE 8.96 Charge transport in C60/CuPc donor-acceptor blendsMarkus Bronner, •Andreas Opitz, and Wolfgang Brütting
18:00 SYOE 8.97 Electrical and morphological characterization of sub-micrometer organic transistors — •F. Ante, S. Issing, J. Geurts, G. Schmidt, L.W. Molenkamp, N.S. Oxtoby, M. Mas-Torrent, N. Crivillers, J. Veciana, and C. Rovira
18:00 SYOE 8.98 Organic field effect transitors for spin polarised transport - concept and recent advances — •Markus Michelfeit, Jean Geurts, Georg Schmidt, and Laurens W. Molenkamp
18:00 SYOE 8.99 Instabilities and Dynamic Behavior of the Potential Distribution in Organic FETs — •Christopher Siol, Niels Benson, Christian Melzer, and Heinz von Seggern
18:00 SYOE 8.100 Photodegradation of P3HT thin films under various ambient conditions — •Raphael Gutbrod, Hans-Joachim Egelhaaf, Heiko Peisert, and Thomas Chassé
18:00 SYOE 8.101 Organic FETs with high-κ dielectric — •Florian Roth, Kerstin Keller, and Michael Huth
18:00 SYOE 8.102 Effects of capping on the thermal and long-term stability of organic thin film transistors — •Stephan Meyer, Stefan Sellner, Gerhard Ulbricht, Frank Schreiber, Helmut Dosch, Matthias Fischer, Bruno Gompf, and Jens Pflaum
18:00 SYOE 8.103 Influence of the end cap chain length of Dn6T on OFET characteristics — •Benedikt Gburek, Torsten Balster, and Veit Wagner
18:00 SYOE 8.104 Inversion of micro-patterned polymer surfaces based on bicomponent polyelectrolyte layers — •Alla Synytska, Manfred Stamm, Stefan Diez, and Leonid Ionov
18:00 SYOE 8.105 Nonlinear I-V Characteristics of Nanoparticle Compacts and Nanocomposites — •Simone Herth, Xiaoping Wang, Teresa Hugener, Henrik Hillborg, Tommaso Auletta, Linda Schadler, and Richard Siegel
18:00 SYOE 8.106 Conformational disorder of conjugated polymersSebastian Westenhoff, •Wichard Beenken, Arkady Yartsev, and Neil Greenham
18:00 SYOE 8.107 Vertically and relaxed excited state properties of neutral and charged oligofluorenses with and without keto-defect — •Mengtao Sun, Wichard J.D. Beenken, Tõnu Pullerits, and Guangjiu Zhao
18:00 SYOE 8.108 Adsorption of CdTe nanoparticles on Poly(acrylic acid) brushes — •Smrati Gupta, Petra Uhlmann, Nikolai Gaponik, and Manfred Stamm
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