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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 3: Quantum Coherence and Quantum Information Systems I
TT 3.11: Talk
Monday, March 26, 2007, 12:30–12:45, H20
Theoretical and experimental studies of circuit QED systems — •Frank Deppe1, Matteo Mariantoni1, Shiro Saito2, Takayoshi Meno3, Kouichi Semba2, Hideaki Takayanagi4, and Rudolf Gross1 — 1Walther-Meißner-Institut, Garching/München, Germany — 2NTT BRL, NTT Corp., Atugi, Japan — 3NTT AT, NTT Corp., NTT, Japan — 4Tokyo Univ. of Science, Tokyo, Japan
In recent years, the interaction between a superconducting qubit and and on-chip microwave resonator has been investigated in several theoretical and experimental studies. We performed microwave spectroscopy on a system composed of a superconducting flux qubit and the single mode of an LC circuit resonator. The LC resonator is formed by the capacitance and line inductance of the shunting circuit of the DC SQUID used to read-out the qubit state. Our implementation of circuit QED provides a counterpart to experiments where the state of the microwave field is detected. The spectroscopy data shows clear evidence of the coupled system. The coupling constant is of the order of a few tens of megahertz. We also performed simulations of a dissipation-less driven Jaynes-Cummings model in order to estimate the effective number of photons present in the resonator. A possible interesting application of our architecture would the generation of microwave single photons. This work is supported by the DFG via SFB 631.