
Berlin 2008 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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Montag, 25. Februar 2008

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Mo, 08:30–09:15 H 0105 PV I 08:30 None P P a P 08:30 P a
08:30 None P P b P 08:30 P b
Mo, 08:30–09:15 H 0105 O 1: Plenary Talk Wilson Ho 08:30 None WP P a WP 08:30 P a
08:30 None WP P b WP 08:30 P b
Mo, 09:30–13:00 C 243 BP 1: Cell Migration and Tissue Dynamics 09:30 None Q P a Q 09:30 P a
09:30 None Q P b Q 09:30 P b
Mo, 09:30–12:15 C 130 CPP 1: DRG-DPG SYMPOSIUM Rheology I 09:30 None R P a R 09:30 P a
09:30 None R P b R 09:30 P b
Mo, 09:30–11:30 H 2013 DS 1: Towards Molecular Spintronics 09:30 None SQ P a SQ 09:30 P a
09:30 None SQ P b SQ 09:30 P b
Mo, 09:30–11:00 H 2032 DS 6: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Devices - High Speed Photonics 09:30 None SQ QQPP a SQ 09:30 QQPP a
09:30 None SQ QQPP b SQ 09:30 QQPP b
Mo, 09:30–10:15 ER 270 HL 1: Invited Talk Kümmell 09:30 None U PP a U 09:30 PP a
09:30 None U PP b U 09:30 PP b
Mo, 09:30–11:30 EW 201 HL 6: Photonic crystals I 09:30 None U RQ a U 09:30 RQ a
09:30 None U RQ b U 09:30 RQ b
Mo, 09:30–10:45 EW 202 HL 10: Preparation and characterization 09:30 None U UP a U 09:30 UP a
09:30 None U UP b U 09:30 UP b
Mo, 09:30–11:15 ER 164 HL 14: Heterostructures 09:30 None U UQPQ a U 09:30 UQPQ a
09:30 None U UQPQ b U 09:30 UQPQ b
Mo, 09:30–10:00 EB 301 MA 1: Invited Talk Goll 09:30 None V Q a V 09:30 Q a
09:30 None V Q b V 09:30 Q b
Mo, 09:30–10:00 H 1058 MM 1: HV Adelung 09:30 None W P a W 09:30 P a
09:30 None W P b W 09:30 P b
Mo, 09:30–10:15 HE 101 O 2: Invited Talk John Pendry 09:30 None WP Q a WP 09:30 Q a
09:30 None WP Q b WP 09:30 Q b
Mo, 09:30–13:00 H 0104 TT 2: Symposium: High Magnetic Field Phenomena in Low Dimensional Magnets 09:30 None Y Q a Y 09:30 Q a
09:30 None Y Q b Y 09:30 Q b
Mo, 09:30–13:00 H 2053 TT 3: Transport: Fluctuations and Noise 09:30 None Y R a Y 09:30 R a
09:30 None Y R b Y 09:30 R b
Mo, 09:30–11:15 H 3010 TT 4: Matter at Low Temperature: Materials 09:30 None Y S a Y 09:30 S a
09:30 None Y S b Y 09:30 S b
Mo, 09:30–12:45 EB 202 TT 6: Correlated Electrons: Heavy Fermions 09:30 None Y U a Y 09:30 U a
09:30 None Y U b Y 09:30 U b
Mo, 09:30–10:15 EW 203 AKSOE 2: Dynamics of Groups and Organizations I 09:30 None [ PP a [ 09:30 PP a
09:30 None [ PP b [ 09:30 PP b
Mo, 10:00–12:30 C 264 CPP 3: Liquid Crystals and Polar Fluids 10:00 None R PQ a R 10:00 PQ a
10:00 None R PQ b R 10:00 PQ b
Mo, 10:00–12:30 C 230 CPP 5: New Materials 10:00 None R PQPP a R 10:00 PQPP a
10:00 None R PQPP b R 10:00 PQPP b
Mo, 10:00–13:00 EB 107 DF 2: Electric, electromechanical and optical properties I 10:00 None SP Q a SP 10:00 Q a
10:00 None SP Q b SP 10:00 Q b
Mo, 10:00–12:00 MA 004 DY 1: Critical phenomena and phase transitions 10:00 None SQP P a SQP 10:00 P a
10:00 None SQP P b SQP 10:00 P b
Mo, 10:00–12:00 H 0106 VA 1: Vacuum systems and monochromators at XFEL and PETRA 10:00 None Z P a Z 10:00 P a
10:00 None Z P b Z 10:00 P b
Mo, 10:00–12:00 H 0105 SYDI 1: SYDI 10:00 None [PP P a [PP 10:00 P a
10:00 None [PP P b [PP 10:00 P b
Mo, 10:15–11:00 ER 270 HL 2: Invited Talk Knorr 10:15 None U Q a U 10:15 Q a
10:15 None U Q b U 10:15 Q b
Mo, 10:15–13:00 EB 301 MA 2: Micro and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials I 10:15 None V QP a V 10:15 QP a
10:15 None V QP b V 10:15 QP b
Mo, 10:15–13:00 H 1012 MA 3: Magnetic Semiconductors 10:15 None V QQ a V 10:15 QQ a
10:15 None V QQ b V 10:15 QQ b
Mo, 10:15–12:30 H 1028 MA 4: Magnetic Coupling Phenomena; Exchange Bias 10:15 None V QQP a V 10:15 QQP a
10:15 None V QQP b V 10:15 QQP b
Mo, 10:15–13:00 H 0112 MA 5: Spindependent Transportphenomena I 10:15 None V QQPP a V 10:15 QQPP a
10:15 None V QQPP b V 10:15 QQPP b
Mo, 10:15–11:15 H 1058 MM 2: SYM Phase Transformations in Metallic Melts I 10:15 None W Q a W 10:15 Q a
10:15 None W Q b W 10:15 Q b
Mo, 10:15–11:30 H 0107 MM 4: Nanostructured Materials I 10:15 None W S a W 10:15 S a
10:15 None W S b W 10:15 S b
Mo, 10:15–11:30 H 0111 MM 6: Diffusion I 10:15 None W SPP a W 10:15 SPP a
10:15 None W SPP b W 10:15 SPP b
Mo, 10:15–11:00 HE 101 O 3: Invited Talk Klaus Ensslin 10:15 None WP R a WP 10:15 R a
10:15 None WP R b WP 10:15 R b
Mo, 10:15–11:50 H 2033 ST 1: Radiation Risks of Low Doses 10:15 None X P a X 10:15 P a
10:15 None X P b X 10:15 P b
Mo, 10:15–12:45 EW 203 AKSOE 3: Financial Markets and Risk Management I 10:15 None [ Q a [ 10:15 Q a
10:15 None [ Q b [ 10:15 Q b
Mo, 10:30–13:15 PC 203 BP 2: DNA and Chromatin 10:30 None Q Q a Q 10:30 Q a
10:30 None Q Q b Q 10:30 Q b
Mo, 10:30–13:00 MA 001 DY 2: Statistical physics I (general) 10:30 None SQP Q a SQP 10:30 Q a
10:30 None SQP Q b SQP 10:30 Q b
Mo, 10:30–12:30 A 053 DY 3: Statistical physics of complex networks I 10:30 None SQP QP a SQP 10:30 QP a
10:30 None SQP QP b SQP 10:30 QP b
Mo, 10:40–12:20 EB 407 DF 3: Phase Transitions 10:40 None SP QP a SP 10:40 QP a
10:40 None SP QP b SP 10:40 QP b
Mo, 11:00–12:30 H 0110 DD 1: Eröffnung und Hauptvortrag 1 11:00 None S P a S 11:00 P a
11:00 None S P b S 11:00 P b
Mo, 11:00–13:00 EW 202 HL 11: C/diamond 11:00 None U UQ a U 11:00 UQ a
11:00 None U UQ b U 11:00 UQ b
Mo, 11:15–13:00 H 2032 DS 7: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Devices - Surface Emitters 11:15 None SQ QQQ a SQ 11:15 QQQ a
11:15 None SQ QQQ b SQ 11:15 QQQ b
Mo, 11:15–13:00 ER 270 HL 3: Quantum dots: Microcavities and photonic crystals 11:15 None U QP a U 11:15 QP a
11:15 None U QP b U 11:15 QP b
Mo, 11:15–13:00 ER 164 HL 15: Devices 11:15 None U UQPQP a U 11:15 UQPQP a
11:15 None U UQPQP b U 11:15 UQPQP b
Mo, 11:15–12:30 MA 042 O 4: Nanostructures at Surfaces 11:15 None WP RP a WP 11:15 RP a
11:15 None WP RP b WP 11:15 RP b
Mo, 11:15–12:45 MA 043 O 5: Magnetic Nanostructures 11:15 None WP RPP a WP 11:15 RPP a
11:15 None WP RPP b WP 11:15 RPP b
Mo, 11:15–13:00 MA 005 O 6: Metal Substrates: Clean Surfaces 11:15 None WP RPPP a WP 11:15 RPPP a
11:15 None WP RPPP b WP 11:15 RPPP b
Mo, 11:15–13:45 HE 101 O 7: Symposium: Atomic Wires at Surfaces I
(Invited Speakers: Franz Himpsel, Hanno Weitering, Han Woong Yeom)
11:15 None WP RQ a WP 11:15 RQ a
11:15 None WP RQ b WP 11:15 RQ b
Mo, 11:30–13:00 EW 201 HL 7: II-VI semiconductors 11:30 None U S a U 11:30 S a
11:30 None U S b U 11:30 S b
Mo, 11:30–13:00 H 3010 TT 5: Superconductivity - Cryodetectors 11:30 None Y T a Y 11:30 T a
11:30 None Y T b Y 11:30 T b
Mo, 11:45–13:45 H 2013 DS 2: Towards Molecular Spintronics 11:45 None SQ Q a SQ 11:45 Q a
11:45 None SQ Q b SQ 11:45 Q b
Mo, 11:45–12:30 H 1058 MM 3: SYM Phase Transformations in Metallic Melts II 11:45 None W R a W 11:45 R a
11:45 None W R b W 11:45 R b
Mo, 12:00–13:00 H 0107 MM 5: Nanostructured Materials II 12:00 None W SP a W 12:00 SP a
12:00 None W SP b W 12:00 SP b
Mo, 12:00–13:00 H 0111 MM 7: Diffusion II 12:00 None W T a W 12:00 T a
12:00 None W T b W 12:00 T b
Mo, 12:00–14:45 MA 041 O 8: Metal Substrates: Adsorption of Organic/Bio Molecules I 12:00 None WP S a WP 12:00 S a
12:00 None WP S b WP 12:00 S b
Mo, 12:00–12:40 H 0106 VA 2: Vacuum pumps and gauges 12:00 None Z Q a Z 12:00 Q a
12:00 None Z Q b Z 12:00 Q b
Mo, 13:00–13:45 H 0105 PV II 13:00 None P Q a P 13:00 Q a
13:00 None P Q b P 13:00 Q b
Mo, 13:00–13:45 H 0105 O 9: Plenary Talk Sankar Das Sarma 13:00 None WP T a WP 13:00 T a
13:00 None WP T b WP 13:00 T b
Mo, 13:15–16:45 MA 042 O 10: Semiconductor Substrates: Epitaxy and Growth 13:15 None WP U a WP 13:15 U a
13:15 None WP U b WP 13:15 U b
Mo, 13:15–14:30 H 2033 ST 2: Medical Physics: Magnetic Resonance, Ultrasound, Dosimetry 13:15 None X PP a X 13:15 PP a
13:15 None X PP b X 13:15 PP b
Mo, 13:30–15:00 MA 043 O 11: Time-Resolved Spectroscopy I 13:30 None WP V a WP 13:30 V a
13:30 None WP V b WP 13:30 V b
Mo, 13:30–16:45 MA 005 O 12: Symposium: Size-Selected Clusters at Surfaces I
(Invited Speakers: Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer, Heinz Hövel, Thorsten Bernhardt)
13:30 None WP VP a WP 13:30 VP a
13:30 None WP VP b WP 13:30 VP b
Mo, 13:40–15:20 EW 015 DD 2: Neue Konzepte I (Experimente) 13:40 None S PP a S 13:40 PP a
13:40 None S PP b S 13:40 PP b
Mo, 13:40–15:20 EW 016 DD 3: Astronomie 13:40 None S PPP a S 13:40 PPP a
13:40 None S PPP b S 13:40 PPP b
Mo, 13:40–15:20 EW 114 DD 4: Lehr-Lernforschung I (Text und Bild) 13:40 None S PPPP a S 13:40 PPPP a
13:40 None S PPPP b S 13:40 PPPP b
Mo, 13:40–15:20 EW 226 DD 5: Lehreraus- und -fortbildung I (3. Phase) 13:40 None S PPPPP a S 13:40 PPPPP a
13:40 None S PPPPP b S 13:40 PPPPP b
Mo, 13:40–15:20 EW 229 DD 6: Anregungen aus dem Unterricht für den Unterricht I (Diverses) 13:40 None S Q a S 13:40 Q a
13:40 None S Q b S 13:40 Q b
Mo, 14:00–17:15 C 243 BP 3: Neuronal Systems 14:00 None Q QP a Q 14:00 QP a
14:00 None Q QP b Q 14:00 QP b
Mo, 14:00–16:45 C 130 CPP 2: DRG-DPG SYMPOSIUM Rheology II 14:00 None R PP a R 14:00 PP a
14:00 None R PP b R 14:00 PP b
Mo, 14:00–16:45 C 230 CPP 6: Electronic+Optical Properties 14:00 None R PQQ a R 14:00 PQQ a
14:00 None R PQQ b R 14:00 PQQ b
Mo, 14:00–17:00 EB 107 DF 4: High-k dielectrics for highly scaled Silicon-based Micro- and Nanoelectronics 14:00 None SP QPP a SP 14:00 QPP a
14:00 None SP QPP b SP 14:00 QPP b
Mo, 14:00–15:45 H 2032 DS 8: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Devices - GaN based Photonics I: Polaritzation Fields 14:00 None SQ R a SQ 14:00 R a
14:00 None SQ R b SQ 14:00 R b
Mo, 14:00–17:00 MA 004 DY 4: Brownian motion and transport 14:00 None SQP QQ a SQP 14:00 QQ a
14:00 None SQP QQ b SQP 14:00 QQ b
Mo, 14:00–14:45 ER 270 HL 4: Invited Talk Goldhahn 14:00 None U R a U 14:00 R a
14:00 None U R b U 14:00 R b
Mo, 14:00–15:00 EW 201 HL 8: Interfaces/ surfaces 14:00 None U T a U 14:00 T a
14:00 None U T b U 14:00 T b
Mo, 14:00–16:15 EW 202 HL 12: Photovoltaic 14:00 None U UQP a U 14:00 UQP a
14:00 None U UQP b U 14:00 UQP b
Mo, 14:00–17:15 ER 164 HL 16: Quantum dots and wires: Optical properties I 14:00 None U UQPQPP a U 14:00 UQPQPP a
14:00 None U UQPQPP b U 14:00 UQPQPP b
Mo, 14:00–15:00 EB 301 MA 6: Invited Talks Suga / Münzenberg 14:00 None V QQPQ a V 14:00 QQPQ a
14:00 None V QQPQ b V 14:00 QQPQ b
Mo, 14:00–14:30 H 1058 MM 8: HV Mücklich 14:00 None W U a W 14:00 U a
14:00 None W U b W 14:00 U b
Mo, 14:00–16:30 HE 101 O 13: Heterogeneous Catalysis 14:00 None WP VQ a WP 14:00 VQ a
14:00 None WP VQ b WP 14:00 VQ b
Mo, 14:00–18:00 Poster B TT 7: Matter at Low Temperature: Poster Session 14:00 None Y UP a Y 14:00 UP a
14:00 None Y UP b Y 14:00 UP b
Mo, 14:00–18:00 H 0104 TT 8: Correlated Electrons: Spin Systems and Itinerant Magnets 1 14:00 None Y UPP a Y 14:00 UPP a
14:00 None Y UPP b Y 14:00 UPP b
Mo, 14:00–18:15 H 2053 TT 9: Transport: Quantum Coherence and Quantum Information Systems 14:00 None Y UPPP a Y 14:00 UPPP a
14:00 None Y UPPP b Y 14:00 UPPP b
Mo, 14:00–15:00 H 3010 TT 10: Superconductivity: Fabrication and Characterization 14:00 None Y UPPPP a Y 14:00 UPPPP a
14:00 None Y UPPPP b Y 14:00 UPPPP b
Mo, 14:00–15:00 H 0106 VA 3: UHV systems at FAIR and KATRIN 14:00 None Z QP a Z 14:00 QP a
14:00 None Z QP b Z 14:00 QP b
Mo, 14:00–17:30 H 1029 AKC 1: Physikerinnen und Physiker in Industrie und Wirtschaft 14:00 None ZPPP P a ZPPP 14:00 P a
14:00 None ZPPP P b ZPPP 14:00 P b
Mo, 14:00–16:00 EW 203 AKSOE 4: Dynamics of Groups and Organizations II 14:00 None [ R a [ 14:00 R a
14:00 None [ R b [ 14:00 R b
Mo, 14:00–17:45 H 0105 SYPT 1: SYPT 14:00 None [PQQPP P a [PQQPP 14:00 P a
14:00 None [PQQPP P b [PQQPP 14:00 P b
Mo, 14:30–16:00 PC 203 BP 4: Novel Methods 14:30 None Q QPP a Q 14:30 QPP a
14:30 None Q QPP b Q 14:30 QPP b
Mo, 14:30–16:45 MA 001 BP 6: Statistical Physics in Biological Systems (joint session DY/BP) 14:30 None Q QPPQ a Q 14:30 QPPQ a
14:30 None Q QPPQ b Q 14:30 QPPQ b
Mo, 14:30–16:45 C 264 CPP 4: Colloidal Fluids 14:30 None R PQP a R 14:30 PQP a
14:30 None R PQP b R 14:30 PQP b
Mo, 14:30–17:30 EB 407 DF 5: Scanning and diffraction methods 14:30 None SP QPPP a SP 14:30 QPPP a
14:30 None SP QPPP b SP 14:30 QPPP b
Mo, 14:30–16:00 H 2013 DS 3: Organic Thin Films 14:30 None SQ QP a SQ 14:30 QP a
14:30 None SQ QP b SQ 14:30 QP b
Mo, 14:30–16:45 MA 001 DY 5: Statistical physics in biological systems (joint session DY/BP) 14:30 None SQP R a SQP 14:30 R a
14:30 None SQP R b SQP 14:30 R b
Mo, 14:30–15:30 A 053 DY 6: Ferrofluids 14:30 None SQP S a SQP 14:30 S a
14:30 None SQP S b SQP 14:30 S b
Mo, 14:45–16:00 H 1058 MM 9: SYM Phase Transformations in Metallic Melts III 14:45 None W UP a W 14:45 UP a
14:45 None W UP b W 14:45 UP b
Mo, 14:45–16:15 H 0107 MM 11: Nanostructured Materials III 14:45 None W VP a W 14:45 VP a
14:45 None W VP b W 14:45 VP b
Mo, 14:45–16:15 H 0111 MM 13: Growth 14:45 None W VQ a W 14:45 VQ a
14:45 None W VQ b W 14:45 VQ b
Mo, 15:00–18:15 ER 270 HL 5: Symposium Nanostructured Photonic Materials 15:00 None U RP a U 15:00 RP a
15:00 None U RP b U 15:00 RP b
Mo, 15:00–18:30 EW 201 HL 9: ZnO: Preparation and characterization I 15:00 None U U a U 15:00 U a
15:00 None U U b U 15:00 U b
Mo, 15:00–16:20 H 2033 ST 3: Novel X-Ray Detectors 15:00 None X PQ a X 15:00 PQ a
15:00 None X PQ b X 15:00 PQ b
Mo, 15:00–16:40 H 0106 VA 4: NEPOMUC positron source and experiments 15:00 None Z QPP a Z 15:00 QPP a
15:00 None Z QPP b Z 15:00 QPP b
Mo, 15:15–18:30 EB 301 MA 7: Micro and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials II 15:15 None V QR a V 15:15 QR a
15:15 None V QR b V 15:15 QR b
Mo, 15:15–16:45 H 1012 MA 8: Magnetic Imaging 15:15 None V R a V 15:15 R a
15:15 None V R b V 15:15 R b
Mo, 15:15–18:30 H 1028 MA 10: Magnetic Materials 15:15 None V SP a V 15:15 SP a
15:15 None V SP b V 15:15 SP b
Mo, 15:15–17:30 H 0112 MA 11: Spindependent Transportphenomena II 15:15 None V SPP a V 15:15 SPP a
15:15 None V SPP b V 15:15 SPP b
Mo, 15:15–16:45 MA 043 O 14: Surface or Interface Magnetism 15:15 None WP VQP a WP 15:15 VQP a
15:15 None WP VQP b WP 15:15 VQP b
Mo, 15:15–18:00 H 3010 TT 11: Superconductivity: Tunneling, Josephson Junctions, SQUIDs 15:15 None Y UPPPPP a Y 15:15 UPPPPP a
15:15 None Y UPPPPP b Y 15:15 UPPPPP b
Mo, 15:30–16:45 MA 041 O 15: Methods: Other Experimental Techniques I 15:30 None WP VQPP a WP 15:30 VQPP a
15:30 None WP VQPP b WP 15:30 VQPP b
Mo, 15:45–17:45 Poster E DD 7: Postersitzung 15:45 None S QP a S 15:45 QP a
15:45 None S QP b S 15:45 QP b
Mo, 16:00–17:15 H 2032 DS 9: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Devices - GaN based Photonics II 16:00 None SQ S a SQ 16:00 S a
16:00 None SQ S b SQ 16:00 S b
Mo, 16:00–18:00 EW 203 AKSOE 5: Social-, Information-, and Production Networks I 16:00 None [ RP a [ 16:00 RP a
16:00 None [ RP b [ 16:00 RP b
Mo, 16:15–17:15 PC 203 BP 5: Photobiophysics 16:15 None Q QPPP a Q 16:15 QPPP a
16:15 None Q QPPP b Q 16:15 QPPP b
Mo, 16:15–17:30 H 2013 DS 4: Organic Thin Films 16:15 None SQ QQ a SQ 16:15 QQ a
16:15 None SQ QQ b SQ 16:15 QQ b
Mo, 16:15–17:30 EW 202 HL 13: Theory of electronic structure 16:15 None U UQPP a U 16:15 UQPP a
16:15 None U UQPP b U 16:15 UQPP b
Mo, 16:30–18:15 A 053 DY 7: Time-delayed feedback and neural networks 16:30 None SQP SP a SQP 16:30 SP a
16:30 None SQP SP b SQP 16:30 SP b
Mo, 16:30–19:00 Poster D HL 17: Poster I 16:30 None U UQPQPPP a U 16:30 UQPQPPP a
16:30 None U UQPQPPP b U 16:30 UQPQPPP b
Mo, 16:30–18:00 H 1058 MM 10: SYM Phase Transformations in Metallic Melts IV 16:30 None W V a W 16:30 V a
16:30 None W V b W 16:30 V b
Mo, 16:30–17:00 H 2033 ST 4: Poster Session Radiation and Medical Physics 16:30 None X PQP a X 16:30 PQP a
16:30 None X PQP b X 16:30 PQP b
Mo, 16:45–19:00 Poster A CPP 7: POSTERS Rheology 16:45 None R PQQP a R 16:45 PQQP a
16:45 None R PQQP b R 16:45 PQQP b
Mo, 16:45–19:00 Poster A CPP 8: POSTERS Dynamics and Diffusion 16:45 None R PQQPP a R 16:45 PQQPP a
16:45 None R PQQPP b R 16:45 PQQPP b
Mo, 16:45–19:00 Poster A CPP 9: POSTERS Single Molecules, Biopolymers, Membranes 16:45 None R PQQPPP a R 16:45 PQQPPP a
16:45 None R PQQPPP b R 16:45 PQQPPP b
Mo, 16:45–19:00 Poster A CPP 10: POSTERS New Materials, Organic Semiconductors 16:45 None R PQQPPPP a R 16:45 PQQPPPP a
16:45 None R PQQPPPP b R 16:45 PQQPPPP b
Mo, 16:45–18:15 H 1012 MA 9: Micromagnetism/Computational Magnetics 16:45 None V S a V 16:45 S a
16:45 None V S b V 16:45 S b
Mo, 16:45–18:15 H 0107 MM 12: Nanostructured Materials IV 16:45 None W VPP a W 16:45 VPP a
16:45 None W VPP b W 16:45 VPP b
Mo, 16:45–18:30 H 0111 MM 14: Electronic Properties I 16:45 None W VQP a W 16:45 VQP a
16:45 None W VQP b W 16:45 VQP b
Mo, 17:00–19:30 Poster A BP 7: Posters I 17:00 None Q R a Q 17:00 R a
17:00 None Q R b Q 17:00 R b
Mo, 17:00–18:30 MA 001 DY 8: Superfluidity and Bose Einstein Condensation 17:00 None SQP T a SQP 17:00 T a
17:00 None SQP T b SQP 17:00 T b
Mo, 17:00–18:30 MA 004 DY 9: Nonlinear dynamics, synchronization and chaos I 17:00 None SQP TP a SQP 17:00 TP a
17:00 None SQP TP b SQP 17:00 TP b
Mo, 17:00–17:45 HE 101 O 16: Invited Talk Ulrike Diebold 17:00 None WP VQQ a WP 17:00 VQQ a
17:00 None WP VQQ b WP 17:00 VQQ b
Mo, 17:30–19:00 H 2032 DS 10: Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Materials, Models, Devices - Novel Concepts 17:30 None SQ T a SQ 17:30 T a
17:30 None SQ T b SQ 17:30 T b
Mo, 17:45–19:15 H 2013 DS 5: Organic Thin Films 17:45 None SQ QQP a SQ 17:45 QQP a
17:45 None SQ QQP b SQ 17:45 QQP b
Mo, 17:45–18:30 HE 101 O 17: Invited Talk Sergey Borisenko 17:45 None WP VQQP a WP 17:45 VQQP a
17:45 None WP VQQP b WP 17:45 VQQP b
Mo, 18:00–19:00 H 0105 DD 8: Hauptvortrag 2 18:00 None S QQ a S 18:00 QQ a
18:00 None S QQ b S 18:00 QQ b
Mo, 18:00–19:00 EW 203 AKSOE 6: Mitgliederversammlung 18:00 None [ RQ a [ 18:00 RQ a
18:00 None [ RQ b [ 18:00 RQ b
Mo, 18:30–19:30 Poster F O 18: Poster Session I - MA 141/144 (Atomic Wires; Size-Selected Clusters; Nanostructures; Metal Substrates: Clean Surfaces+Adsorption of Organic / Bio Molecules+Solid-Liquid Interfaces+Adsorption of O and/or H; Surface or Interface Magnetism; Oxides and Insulators: Clean Surfaces) 18:30 None WP W a WP 18:30 W a
18:30 None WP W b WP 18:30 W b
Mo, 20:00–21:00 Urania PV III 20:00 None P R a P 20:00 R a
20:00 None P R b P 20:00 R b
Mo, 20:00–21:00 Urania O 19: Evening Talk Gerhard Ertl 20:00 None WP X a WP 20:00 X a
20:00 None WP X b WP 20:00 X b
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2008 > Berlin