Mo, 09:30–13:00 |
C 243 |
BP 1: Cell Migration and Tissue Dynamics |
Mo, 10:30–13:15 |
PC 203 |
BP 2: DNA and Chromatin |
Mo, 14:00–17:15 |
C 243 |
BP 3: Neuronal Systems |
Mo, 14:30–16:00 |
PC 203 |
BP 4: Novel Methods |
Mo, 16:15–17:15 |
PC 203 |
BP 5: Photobiophysics |
Mo, 14:30–16:45 |
MA 001 |
BP 6: Statistical Physics in Biological Systems (joint session DY/BP) |
Mo, 17:00–19:30 |
Poster A |
BP 7: Posters I |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
C 243 |
BP 8: Active Filament Networks |
Di, 10:30–13:00 |
PC 203 |
BP 9: Membranes and Interfaces |
Di, 14:00–15:00 |
C 243 |
BP 10: Self Propulsion |
Di, 15:15–17:15 |
C 243 |
BP 11: Transport Processes |
Di, 17:30–18:45 |
C 243 |
BP 12: Cellular Force Generation |
Di, 17:15–18:45 |
PC 203 |
BP 13: Biopolymers |
Di, 17:00–19:00 |
C 230 |
BP 14: Single Molecules (joint session CPP/BP) |
Mi, 14:00–17:15 |
C 243 |
BP 15: Single Molecules |
Mi, 17:30–19:00 |
C 243 |
BP 16: Pattern Formation and Developmental Processes |
Mi, 14:00–15:45 |
PC 203 |
BP 17: Physics of Cells |
Mi, 16:00–17:15 |
PC 203 |
BP 18: Biomaterials |
Mi, 17:30–19:30 |
PC 203 |
BP 19: Semiflexible Polymers and Networks |
Do, 09:30–12:00 |
C 243 |
BP 20: Regulation and Signaling |
Do, 12:15–13:15 |
C 243 |
BP 21: Population Dynamics and Evolution |
Do, 10:30–11:45 |
PC 203 |
BP 22: Cell Mechanics |
Do, 12:00–13:15 |
PC 203 |
BP 23: Electrical Stimulation and Recording |
Do, 14:00–16:45 |
C 243 |
BP 24: Actin Dynamics |
Do, 14:30–17:00 |
PC 203 |
BP 25: Protein Structure and Folding |
Do, 17:00–19:30 |
Poster A |
BP 26: Posters II |
Fr, 10:15–12:45 |
C 243 |
BP 27: Membrane Morphology and Adhesion |
Fr, 10:45–12:45 |
PC 203 |
BP 28: Molecular Recognition |