Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 11: Transport Processes
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 15:15–17:15, C 243
15:15 |
BP 11.1 |
Subdiffusion as an efficient intracellular sampling strategy — •Matthias Weiss and Gernot Guigas
15:30 |
BP 11.2 |
How Nature beats the central limit theorem: non-Brownian search from gene control to animal foraging — •Ralf Metzler and Michael Lomholt
15:45 |
BP 11.3 |
Target Search on a Dynamic Polymer — •Thomas Schötz, Richard Neher, and Ulrich Gerland
16:00 |
BP 11.4 |
Stochastic models for bidirectional transport on biological networks — •Maximilian Ebbinghaus, Rosemary Harris, and Ludger Santen
16:15 |
BP 11.5 |
Driven transport on parallel lanes with particle exclusion and obstruction — •Anna Melbinger, Tobias Reichenbach, Thomas Franosch, and Erwin Frey
16:30 |
BP 11.6 |
A Natural Molecule Trap — Dieter Braun, Franz Weinert, Stefan Duhr, Kono Lemke, Michael Russell, and •Dieter Braun
16:45 |
BP 11.7 |
Protein Diffusion and Hydodynamic Interactions in Red Blood Cells — Wolfgang Doster und •Stephane Longeville
17:00 |
BP 11.8 |
Anomalous diffusion of transmembrane proteins due to oligomerization — •Ulrich Schmidt, Markus Elsner, Maria Smedh, Tommy Nilsson, and Matthias Weiss