14:00 |
BP 15.1 |
Single molecule detection of Myosin V in living cell — •Paolo Pierobon, Giovanni Cappello, Sarra Achouri, Sebastien Courty, Maxime Dahan, Alex Dunn, and James Spudich
14:15 |
BP 15.2 |
Walking the line: kinesin motors observed with sub-molecular resolution by atomic force microscopy — •Iwan A.T. Schaap, Carolina Carrasco, Pedro J. de Pablo, and Christoph F. Schmidt
14:30 |
BP 15.3 |
Towards resolving single helicase steps on DNA using magnetic tweezers — •Daniel Klaue and Ralf Seidel
14:45 |
BP 15.4 |
Transcriptional pausing and proof reading — •Martin Depken, Stephan Grill, and Eric Galburt
15:00 |
BP 15.5 |
A unified model of transcription elongation — •Dáibhid Ó Maoiléidigh
15:15 |
BP 15.6 |
Peptide adsorption, friction and unfolding: Theoretical approaches — •Roland Netz, Dominik Horinek, Andreas Serr, Hirofumi Wada, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, and Thorsten Hugel
15:30 |
15 min. break
15:45 |
BP 15.7 |
Fluorescent Nanodiamonds for Biological Applications — •Felix Neugart, Andrea Zappe, Fedor Jelezko, Carsten Tietz, Jean Paul Boudou, Anke Krüger, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:00 |
BP 15.8 |
(Non-) linear deformation of viral shells — •Wouter H. Roos, Charlotte Uetrecht, Norman Watts, Paul Wingfield, Alasdair Steven, Albert Heck, and Gijs J. L. Wuite
16:15 |
BP 15.9 |
Effect of low pH on the Influenza virus membrane — •Frederic Eghiaian, Iwan A.T. Schaap, John J. Skehel, and Claudia Veigel
16:30 |
BP 15.10 |
TIRFM evanescent field calibration using tilted microtubules — •Chris Gell, Michael Berndt, and Stefan Diez
16:45 |
BP 15.11 |
C-Ring conformational rotation of a single F0F1- ATP synthase motor using alternating laser excitation — •Stefan Ernst, Monika Düser, Nawid Zarrabi, Rolf Reuter, Stanley D. Dunn, Gary D. Glick, and Michael Börsch
17:00 |
BP 15.12 |
Data Analysis with Hidden Markov Models on a single Kdp-ATPase — •Nawid Zarrabi, Michael Börsch, Thomas Heitkamp, and Jörg Greie