Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 17: Physics of Cells
Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008, 14:00–15:45, PC 203
14:00 |
BP 17.1 |
Collective Dynamics of Endocytic Vesicles in Membrane Trafficking — •Mirko Birbaumer, Markus Kalisch, Frank Schweitzer, Peter Bühlmann, and Lucas Pelkmans
14:15 |
BP 17.2 |
Particle tracking and microscopy of the intracellular transport of polyethyleneimine based gene carriers — •Ralf Bausinger and Andreas Zumbusch
14:30 |
BP 17.3 |
Actin-membrane interactions in a biomimetic systems studied by a novel, high precision optical method — •Timo Betz, Léa Laetitia Pontani, and Cécile Sykes
14:45 |
BP 17.4 |
Stem Cell Fate Directed by Matrix Elasticity and Ligands — •Florian Rehfeldt, Shenshen Cai, and Dennis E. Discher
15:00 |
BP 17.5 |
Dynamics of different probe particles to study local micro-environments inside living cells — •Michael Duits, Yixuan Li, Siva Vanapalli, and Frieder Mugele
15:15 |
BP 17.6 |
A new approach in Ca2+ modeling — •Alexander Skupin and Martin Falcke
15:30 |
BP 17.7 |
Transmembrane Potential and Proton Buffering Capacity of a Small Vesicle — •Tihamér Geyer and Sarah Blaß