Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 20: Regulation and Signaling
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 09:30–12:00, C 243
09:30 |
BP 20.1 |
Modeling noisy concentration gradients inside single cells — Filipe Tostevin, Pieter ten Wolde, and •Martin Howard
10:00 |
BP 20.2 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics of gene expression — •Johannes Berg
10:30 |
BP 20.3 |
Links between biochemistry and regulatory network design in a bacterial stress response system — •Georg Fritz, Christiane Koller, Korinna Burdack, Ulrich Gerland, and Kirsten Jung
10:45 |
BP 20.4 |
Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy measurements in vivo reveal the asymmetric incorporation of siRNAs into RISC and the localisation of the complex in human cells — Thomas Ohrt, •Wolfgang Staroske, Jörg Mütze, and Petra Schwille
11:00 |
BP 20.5 |
Boolean Model of Fission Yeast Cell Cycle predicts mutations — •Maria Davidich and Stefan Bornholdt
11:15 |
BP 20.6 |
On the effect of transcription factor fluctuations at promoter logic gates — •Christian Fleck, Moritz Gerstung, and Jens Timmer
11:30 |
BP 20.7 |
Compartment Model for IRE1 Signalling of the Unfolded Protein Response — •Ronny Straube
11:45 |
BP 20.8 |
Mechanisms of sperm chemotaxis — •Benjamin M. Friedrich and Frank Julicher