Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 25: Protein Structure and Folding
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 14:30–17:00, PC 203
14:30 |
BP 25.1 |
Transition states in protein folding — •Thomas Weikl
14:45 |
BP 25.2 |
Algorithm for selection of fast folding proteins — •Dmitry Gridnev and Martin Garcia
15:00 |
BP 25.3 |
Relation of Evolutionary Dynamics to Molecular Mechanics — •Kay Hamacher
15:15 |
BP 25.4 |
Thermodynamics and kinetics of a protein-like heteropolymer model with two-state folding characteristics — Anna Kallias, •Michael Bachmann, and Wolfhard Janke
15:30 |
BP 25.5 |
Insights from atomistic computer simulations of halophilic proteins — •Joachim Dzubiella
15:45 |
BP 25.6 |
Molecular machines involving electron tunneling — •Igor Goychuk
16:00 |
BP 25.7 |
Protein structure prediction using structure profiles — •Katrin Wolff, Andrea Cavalli, Harri Hopeauroho, Michele Vendruscolo, and Markus Porto
16:15 |
BP 25.8 |
Global Dynamics of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase — •Biehl Ralf, Hoffmann Bernd, Fallus Peter, Monkenbusch Michael, Merkel Rudolf, and Richter Dieter
16:30 |
BP 25.9 |
Accurate sequence alignment statistics for different protein models — •Stefan Wolfsheimer, Inke Herms, Sven Rahmann, and Alexander K Hartmann
16:45 |
BP 25.10 |
MONTECARLO SIMULATIONS OF PROTEIN FOLDING UNDER CONFINEMENT — •Pedro Armando Ojeda May, Aurora Londono, Nan-Yow Chen, and Martin Garcia Rimsky