17:00 |
BP 26.1 |
Fast O(N2) Hydrodynamics for Brownian Dynamics Simulations — •Tihamér Geyer and Uwe Winter
17:00 |
BP 26.2 |
Effect of high pressure on the global and internal dynamics of multimeric proteins studied by quasielastic neutron scattering experiment. — •Marie-Sousai Appavou, Sebastian Busch, Wolfgang Doster, Ana Gaspar, and Tobias Unruh
17:00 |
BP 26.3 |
Effective Connectivity profile: A Structural Representation that Evidences the Relationship between Protein Structures and Sequences — Ugo Bastolla, Angel R. Ortiz, Markus Porto, and •Florian Teichert
17:00 |
BP 26.4 |
SABERTOOTH: Protein Structural Alignment Based on a Vectorial Structure Representation — •Florian Teichert, Ugo Bastolla, and Markus Porto
17:00 |
BP 26.5 |
Kinetic clustering analysis of protein (un)folding trajectories from molecular dynamics simulation — •Lothar Reich and Thomas R. Weikl
17:00 |
BP 26.6 |
Stretching of a DNA/HU-protein complex in SMD simulations — •Carsten Olbrich and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:00 |
BP 26.7 |
Restrained Protein Folding Dynamics in the Tube Model — •Katrin Wolff, Michele Vendruscolo, and Markus Porto
17:00 |
BP 26.8 |
Proteins under extreme conditions - new SAXS setup at beamline BL9 of DELTA synchrotron — •Christina Krywka, Christian Sternemann, Roland Winter, and Metin Tolan
17:00 |
BP 26.9 |
(Structure-) Mechanical properties of nanocoposite silk and wood at macro and molecular scales. — •Igor Krasnov, Imke Diddens, Tomasz Pazera, Sergio S. Funari, Richard Davies, Manfred Burghammer, and Martin Müller
17:00 |
BP 26.10 |
Mechanical properties of Wood investigated using X-Ray Scattering under defined humidity conditions — •Tomasz Pazera, Igor Krasnov, Imke Diddens, Florian Kunze, Henning Vogt, Richard Davies, Manfred Burghammer, Sergio S. Funari, and Martin Müller
17:00 |
BP 26.11 |
Nanotomography of Biomaterials — •Stephanie Röper, Christian Zeitz, Christian Dietz, Nadine Drechsel, Anke Bernstein, Nicolaus Rehse, and Robert Magerle
17:00 |
BP 26.12 |
The influence of pH and temperature on the self-assembly of amelogenin and its relevance for the biomineralization of enamel — •C. Gilow, B. Aichmayer, F.B. Wiedemann-Bidlack, H.C. Margolis, and P. Fratzl
17:00 |
BP 26.13 |
2-Photon laser scanning microscopy of cartilage materials — •Thorsten Bergmann, Jörg Martini, Maik Tiemann, Michael Dickob, Ronald Schade, Klaus Liefeith, Katja Tönsing, and Dario Anselmetti
17:00 |
BP 26.14 |
Magnetic Relaxation Dispersions of Biomolecules: Effects of Field-Cycling — •Talea Köchling, Konstantin Ivanov, Sergey Korchak, Alexandra Yurkovskaya, and Hans-Martin Vieth
17:00 |
BP 26.15 |
Biological NMR Spectroscopy: Hyperpolarization at Variable Field — •Sergey Korchak, Konstantin Ivanov, Talea Köchling, Alexandra Yurkovskaya, and Hans-Martin Vieth
17:00 |
BP 26.16 |
LED illumination for video-enhanced DIC imaging of single — •Volker Bormuth, Jonathon Howared, and Erik Schäffer
17:00 |
BP 26.17 |
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy - a means to visualize molecular distribution in complex, biological samples — •susana chatzipapadopoulos, denis akimov, michael schmitt, and jürgen popp
17:00 |
BP 26.18 |
Mechanically actuated silicon microgrippers for micromanipulation of biological matter — •Marius M. Blideran, Jochen Sterr, Stephan Kleindiek, Matthias G. Langer, Francois Grauvogel, Monika Fleischer, and Dieter P. Kern
17:00 |
BP 26.19 |
Carbon Coated Nanomagnets for Biomedical Applications — •A.U.B. Wolter, Y. Krupskaya, C. Mahn, S. Hampel, D. Haase, A. Leonhardt, A. Vyalikh, A. Werner, A. Taylor, K. Krämer, B. Büchner, and R. Klingeler
17:00 |
BP 26.20 |
A robust surface plasmon resonance biosensor with high resolution — •Sebastian Horstmeier, Andy Sischka, Christoph Pelargus, Katja Tönsing, and Dario Anselmetti
17:00 |
BP 26.21 |
Magnetic Properties of Iron Nanowires Encapsulated in Carbon Nanotubes — •K. Lipert, M. Lutz, T. Mühl, K. Krämer, A. Taylor, R. Klingeler, and B. Büchner
17:00 |
BP 26.22 |
Two-focus fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with an EMCCD detector — •Markus Burkhardt, Jonas Ries, and Petra Schwille
17:00 |
BP 26.23 |
Searching the proper Model for F1-ATPase rotation — •Florian Werz, Alexander Kovalev, Nawid Zarrabi, Carsten Tietz, Michael Börsch, Dirk Bald, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:00 |
BP 26.24 |
Interferometric detection of nanosize diamond particles — •Thomas Wolf, Steffen Steinert, Carsten Tietz, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:00 |
BP 26.25 |
Dynamic Force Spectroscopy studies of native and synthetic point mutated transcription regulators — •Andre Körnig, Katrin Wollschläger, Norbert Sewald, Dario Anselmetti, and Robert Ros
17:00 |
BP 26.26 |
Quantitative Optical Tweezers for Single Molecule Manipulations in 3D — •Andy Sischka, Christoph Kleimann, Katja Tönsing, and Dario Anselmetti
17:00 |
BP 26.27 |
Single-molecule Spectroscopy on Phytochromes — •Jana B Nieder, Marc Brecht, and Robert Bittl
17:00 |
BP 26.28 |
Cantilever Based Apertureless Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy in Aqueous Solution — •Jan Paskarbeit, Heinrich Frey, Christoph Pelargus, Robert Ros, and Dario Anselmetti
17:00 |
BP 26.29 |
Scanning FCS applied to precise measurement of diffusion coefficients — •Susan Derenko, Zdeněk Petrášek, and Petra Schwille
17:00 |
BP 26.30 |
Single molecule microscopy using total internal reflection — •Andreas Veenendaal, Jan Peter Siebrasse, Constanze Husche, and Ulrich Kubitscheck
17:00 |
BP 26.31 |
Coated particles as enhanced probes for optical tweezers — •Anita Jannasch, Volker Bormuth, Jonathon Howard, and Erik Schäffer
17:00 |
BP 26.32 |
Live imaging of signalling complexes using pulsed dual-colour microscopy — •Steffen Steinert, Felix Neugart, Andrea Zappe, Lutz Graeve, Carsten Tietz, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:00 |
BP 26.33 |
1D diffusion model for inter-site communication by Type III restriction enzymes — •Subramanian Ramanathan, Kara van Aelst, Mark D. Szczelkun, and Ralf Seidel
17:00 |
BP 26.34 |
Single Molecule FRET studies of RNA Polymerese II — •Joanna Andrecka, Robert Lewis, Florian Brueckner, Patrick Cramer, and Jens Michaelis
17:00 |
BP 26.35 |
A Bayesian Approach to 3D Position Determination on the Nanometer Scale by Single-Pair FRET Experiments — •Adam Muschielok, Joanna Andrecka, Patrick Cramer, and Jens Michaelis
17:00 |
BP 26.36 |
Untersuchung supramolekularer Kapseln mittels Dynamischer Einzelmolekül-Kraftspektroskopie — •Tobias Schröder, Björn Schnatwinkel, Dario Anselmetti und Jochen Mattay
17:00 |
BP 26.37 |
Computational studies of the visual pigment rhodopsin — •Minoru Sugihara, Peter Entel, and Volker Buss
17:00 |
BP 26.38 |
Emergent vascular network inhomogeneities and resulting blood flow patterns in a growing tumor — •Michael Welter and Heiko Rieger
17:00 |
BP 26.39 |
Formation of Compartment Boundaries in Growing Tissues — •Jonas Ranft, Katharina Landsberg, Thomas Bittig, Reza Farhadi Far, Amani Said, Christian Dahmann, and Frank Jülicher
17:00 |
BP 26.40 |
Effect of fluctuations for the formation of spatial patterns of gene expression — •Thorsten Erdmann and Pieter Rein ten Wolde
17:00 |
BP 26.41 |
A physical model for Bicoid controlled enhancers in Drosophila — •Wolfram Möbius and Ulrich Gerland
17:00 |
BP 26.42 |
Signal integration and stochastic decision making phosphorelay signal transduction — •Ilka Bischofs, Josh Hug, Aiwen Liu, David Lee, Denise Wolf, and Adam Arkin
17:00 |
BP 26.43 |
On schemes of sequential transcription logic — •Georg Fritz and Ulrich Gerland
17:00 |
BP 26.44 |
Metabolic Synchronization of Yeast Cells — •Christian Warnke, Marcus J. B. Hauser, and Thomas Mair
17:00 |
BP 26.45 |
Simulation of protein kinase C alpha (PKCα) membrane translocation processes — •Martin Peglow and Heiko Rieger
17:00 |
BP 26.46 |
Designing Biomolecule-Nanoparticle Interfaces for the Regulation of Cell Fate — •Lisa Maus, Roberto Fiammengo, Oliver Dick, Malte Wittmann, Hilmar Bading, and Joachim P. Spatz
17:00 |
BP 26.47 |
Glycolytic oscillations in a layer of interacting cells — •Jana Schütze and Jana Wolf
17:00 |
BP 26.48 |
Formation of Domains in Bacterial Flagella — •Reinhard Vogel and Holger Stark
17:00 |
BP 26.49 |
Which Network Connectivities generate a given Dynamics? II: Network Reconstruction — •Frank van Bussel, Lishma Anand, Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer, and Marc Timme
17:00 |
BP 26.50 |
Which Network Connectivities generate a given Dynamics? I: Optimal Network Design — •Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer, Lishma Anand, Frank van Bussel, and Marc Timme
17:00 |
BP 26.51 |
Spectral measures of different integrate-and-fire neurons and how stimulus-induced synchrony varies among them — •Rafael Vilela and Benjamin Lindner
17:00 |
BP 26.52 |
Poisson-Nernst-Planck description of nonequilibrium membrane potentials — •David Hofmann and Joachim Dzubiella
17:00 |
BP 26.53 |
A Paradigm for Phenotype Decision: Non-linear Dynamics Coupled to Low Number Stochastic Effects — •Jan-Timm Kuhr, Madeleine Leisner, Joachim Rädler, Berenike Maier, and Erwin Frey
17:00 |
BP 26.54 |
influence of mass--dependent metabolic rates on food web stability — •Boris Kartascheff and Barbara Drossel
17:00 |
BP 26.55 |
Dynamics of RNA evolution on realistic fitness landscapes — •Klaus Blindert