Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 28: Molecular Recognition
Freitag, 29. Februar 2008, 10:45–12:45, PC 203
10:45 |
BP 28.1 |
Influence of Sequence Correlations on Molecular Recognition — •Hans Behringer and Friederike Schmid
11:00 |
BP 28.2 |
Structure based prediction of protein-DNA recognition — Sahand Jamal Rahi, •Peter Virnau, Mehran Kardar, and Leonid A. Mirny
11:15 |
BP 28.3 |
The impact of defects on the binding affinity of surface bound oligonucleotide-duplexes — Thomas Naiser, Oliver Ehler, •Jona Kayser, Timo Mai, Wolfgang Michel, and Albrecht Ott
11:30 |
BP 28.4 |
Physical-Chemistry Analysis of Microarray Data — •K. Myriam Kroll, Gerard Barkema, and Enrico Carlon
11:45 |
BP 28.5 |
Switchable DNA layers - a versatile instrument for protein detection on a chip — •Wolfgang Kaiser, Erika Pringsheim, Jelena Knezevic, Kenji Arinaga, Shozo Fujita, Naoki Yokoyama, Ulrich Rant, and Gerhard Abstreiter
12:00 |
BP 28.6 |
Beyond modular structure in protein-interaction networks — Stefan Pinkert, •Jörg Reichardt, and Jörg Schultz
12:15 |
BP 28.7 |
separation of specific sequence oligonucleotides from a yeast genome using single primer abrupt termination PCR (SPAT-PCR) — •harish bokkasam
12:30 |
BP 28.8 |
Stochastic dynamics of protein assembly — •Jakob Schluttig and Ulrich Schwarz